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When and how to contact Dr. Bill:
Hello ASL Heroes!!!
You are important to me. I try to read every one of your emails and I respond to as many as time and circumstances permit.
However, since I like to feed my family I work a full-time "day job" teaching at Sacramento State University which keeps me incredibly busy taking care of tuition-paying students.
I get lots of requests from people asking questions or wanting to know various signs -- so many requests that I really can't answer them all. On the bright side, there is a good chance that I've already answered your question "somewhere" on this site or it has been answered on my Facebook ASLU group's page: by one of the thousands of awesome members of that group. It is a closed group, to protect the privacy of the posters but you can "apply" for membership by going there, requesting to join the group and then answering the various pre-join questions.
If you just want to know how to sign something, visit:
If you have questions about and/or ASL University visit the "about" page. See: ABOUT.
Or you can use the box below to do a google search of ASLU and scroll down past any ads to see the results:
Again, not to belabor the point, but if you can't find the information you need via a search, try joining the "lifeprint-aslu" facebook group:
You can also check out the Frequently Asked Questions Page and/or the registration sheet.
If you want to be an ASL Hero and donate money to ASLU, use this link:
If none of the above meet your needs and you feel that you REALLY need to contact me, here you go:
Contact Info for ASL University related topics:
William G. Vicars, EdD
8506 Everglade Dr.
Sacramento CA 95826
Contact Info for my California State University Students:
William Vicars, Ed.D.
Professor, Deaf Studies Program
California State University, Sacramento
6000 J Street, Sacramento CA 95819-6079
Question: Why no "voice" phone number listed?
Answer: Due to being Deaf/hh I do not have any voice minutes on my cell phone.
(Cool fact: At the time of my phone contract, AT&T provided a discount for Deaf and hard of hearing consumers. It provides a decent monthly rate but no voice minutes -- perfect for Deaf/hh customers like me).
I used to keep a VP (video-phone) hooked up at my desk so folks could call me through VRI (video relay interpreting) but I stopped using that since when it comes right down to it: I don't like being interrupted constantly throughout the day. It interferes with my work and the quality of my life. So...if you want to get a hold of me, email is your best bet. Or join the lifeprint-ASLU Facebook group and tag me there.
In a message dated 9/16/2016 8:06:22 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Dr. Bill,
Below is the message I am getting. Please let me know when I can access the site again.
Thank you.
JanePage Not Found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
First of all I'm happy to do what I can to help.
However -- I need more information to be of assistance.
You state "the site".
What site? I have half a dozen websites.
It helps to know the actual web address to the specific page that you can't seem to load.
Plus: Who are you? Sure, at the back of my mind I have some vague recollection of a "Jane" being in and/or using one of my resources but then again I've got over 80,000 subscribers to my Youtube channel. Over a thousand subscribers to my lifeprint.aslu Facebook site, hundreds of in-person students at Sac State, and several hundred thousand random visitors to each year. I suppose I could go do a search for your email address in my email archives but would rather not.
I'm not asking for a life story. Just half a sentence indicating who you are and/or what program or website you are referring to.
I'm going to assume here that you are an subscriber? If so, the Tech Guru for that site is John Feagans. I handle the "ASL"-related questions -- he handles the web functionality issues. Sure, I'm happy to be cc'ed on anything related to in case I have some sort of insight or ability to help out -- but for fastest service on tech issues it is best to contact John.
For what it is worth, I just went to 20 seconds ago and it loaded fine into my browser, so there is a small chance that you simply needed to reload or wait a couple of minutes due to internet traffic.
So, please try the site again and if it "still" won't work for you then contact John.
If it is the site that is giving you issues then, yes, definitely that is something to contact me about directly.
-- Dr. Bill
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ASL resources by © Dr. William Vicars