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American Sign Language: alright / rights / right

The sign for "alright" can also mean "rights," "the right," "it is fine with me -- you have my permission," "physically / mentally okay."

Used in concepts like:
"It is your right."
"I'm alright."

"Alright, go ahead and do it."




You may see a double movement of this sign when people mean "rights" as in the rights for which an individual or society has negotiated.   Or you may see a sentence that uses the sign "HAVE" prior to the sign "ALRIGHT."  The "HAVE" sign in that case would signal that the "ALRIGHT" sign means "the right" or "rights."

You may see either the single or the double movement in response to the question "How are you?" 

The double movement tends to convey more of a feeling of concern or seriousness whereas the single movement tends to come across as more casual but really it is your facial expression rather than the single or double movement that has the most influence on the meaning of this sign.

Also if a person is signing fast and or casually the second movement will tend to be dropped.

ALRIGHT (double movement)
Used in concepts like:

Deaf people have "rights."
Are you "alright?" (forward head tilt and raised eyebrows, concerned expression).


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