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American Sign Language: "check"

The word "check" has many different meanings and can be expressed in a variety of ways in ASL.  Make sure to match your sign to your meaning.

If you mean "check" as in "I will check with my supervisor and get back to you," "The teacher checked her student's paper," or "Check the fridge to see if we have milk" then you can use the "CHECK-(ascertain) sign.


If you mean "check" as in "investigate," "look-into," "research," or "verify," you can do the version of this sign that uses an index finger on the dominant hand and a "flat" handshape on the non-dominant hand and a double movement. See "INVESTIGATE"

If you mean "cheque" (as in a bank draft) or if you want to refer to an envelope or a card of some type you can use your index fingers and thumbs to draw a rectangle in the air that is about the size of the item you are representing.

RECTANGLE (check/cheque, envelope, card, etc.)

Animation: RECTANGLE


CHECK (version 2)
Place a downturned "C" hand on the palm-up left flat-hand. Slide the "C" hand forward a few inches.
Note:  This sign happens to also be one of the versions of the sign "CAKE."


If you mean "check" as in "I spent all weekend checking my student's papers," you might wish to use a certain sign that means "correcting." The sign I'm talking about is actually based on the sign for "cancel."  Yes, I know, it is a bit weird but it is true, the concepts of "to correct something" and "to cancel something" as well as the concept of "criticize" all use the same sign which is done by using the tip of your index finger to draw an "X" on your non-dominant palm.  See: CANCEL

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