The sign for CLASS is a well established "initialized"
sign. By well established I mean that even though it is
initialized it is widely accepted as the appropriate ASL sign for "class."
Check out the "FAMILY" page for similar signs.
CLASS: As in, I can't wait to go to ASL class!"

To sign "classroom" just combine the signs "CLASS" and "ROOM"
Animated: CLASSROOM:

Note: I need to fix the animation above it has two problems:
1. The "room" portion of the sign doesn't need the "R" hands. Instead
it can/should just use the "BOX" sign.
2. The "room" portion of the sign should start with the sides and end with
the front/back walls.
Does that mean it is "wrong" to sign "room" with "R" hands? Well, I
don't think it is "wrong," but during this day and age I wouldn't
advise using the initialized version for an ASL test since many ASL
instructors do think it is wrong. You will see the initialized
("R"-handshape) version of room show up on the hands of many Deaf people out
in the "real" world. That doesn't mean the
"R"-handshape version is "ASL" -- it just means that many Deaf people have
some Signed English versions of signs mixed into their everyday language
The sign for "CLASS" can also be used to mean things like "category"
or "section."
You can learn
Sign Language (ASL) online at American Sign Language University ™
ASL resources
by © Dr. William Vicars