Make the sign for "father"
by the thumb of your "5-hand" against your forehead.
For the sign DAD you can use a slight "tapping" motion to
touch the thumb to the forehead, move the hand out an inch, then touch the
thumb to the forehead again. You don't have to "tap" it.
You can just touch your thumb to the forehead for a moment. You don't even
need to make contact with the forehead as long as you get it relatively close.
Some people "wiggle" the fingers--it means the same either way, wiggle or no
Note: Some people say that the
"wiggle" makes the sign more intimate as in "papa" but that isn't widely
established. Some people start with an
"A" hand and open into the "5" hand. I just stick a
"5" hand up there.
Sample sentence:
"How many sons does your dad have?" = YOUR FATHER, HOW MANY SON?
Signing tip: Some people do the sign
DAD using a "double" tap to the forehead. (Likewise for "MOM.") That
is "okay." However, if you sign “MOM” and “DAD” one right after the other
you don’t need to use double movements for each sign. Just use a single movement
for MOM and a single movement for DAD and it ends up meaning PARENTS. See: "PARENTS"
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