My wife, (and several other sources) insist that the sign "few" only uses 3
digits. Hmm. Since I have to live with her I get the privilege
and honor of being married to her, I'm going to post her version:
Note: The smaller and tighter you hunch your shoulders and do the movement, the more scarce the referent.
SEVERAL: Note "several" and "few" are the basically the same sign,
but you can do the movement a little larger and spread out to indicate that
while limited it isn't necessarily scarce.
Note: The meaning I'm expressing above with my facial expression is,
"There are more than just a few, but not that many."
SEVERAL (another example) Here is the sign "SEVERAL" using a
more casual facial expression indicating a bit more generous version of
"several" as in "more than a couple."
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