Sample sentence:
YOU FEEL FRUSTRATED WHEN? (When do you feel frustrated?)
The sign FRUSTRATED can actually serve as a conjunction. Meaning? You could sign, I DRIVE-to STORE, FRUSTRATED, CLOSED. I DRIVE BANK, FRUSTRATED,
The sign "FRUSTRATED" in those situations would mean "and it was" as well as
expressing the feeling of frustration. When you use "FRUSTRATED" as a conjunction you only use a single
movement. (You smack your face just once--not twice--for the conjunction
version). I know it is hard for some of your to only smack yourself once,
and you may indeed deserve the extra smacking-- but try to control yourself
for the sake of good signing when doing conjunctions. Thanks, I appreciate
A student writes:
Just wondering if you could clarify what you mean by using the sign
'frustrated' as a conjunction.
- Megan
Hello Megan,
In English you use conjunctions such as "and," "but," & "if" to connect
sentences or parts of sentences. You also use conjunctions to help
"coordinate" words in the same clause (Source: Google). For example, you
might have a list such as item 1, item 2, and item 3. (Notice how we
use the word "and' in that sentence to clarify that "item 3" is the last
item in the list.)
In ASL you can use the sign FRUSTRATED to help connect or coordinate certain
clauses in your sentences. (A clause is just a part of a sentence that
usually has some kind of subject and says something about that subject).
In the example sentence: "I DRIVE-to STORE, FRUSTRATED, CLOSED. I DRIVE
BANK, FRUSTRATED, CLOSED, I DRIVE HOME" it might help to think of the sign
FRUSTRATED as meaning "and I was frustrated that." Thus
in context the sign FRUSTRATED doesn't just mean "frustrated" but rather it
means "and I was frustrated that..."
Thus we are using the sign FRUSTRATED to express the concept of "and" as
well as the concept of "frustrated" (at the same time). That is why we
say FRUSTRATED can (sometimes) function as a conjunction -- because
sometimes we use it as a conjunction.
- Dr. Bill
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