Note: Gallaudet University is a “Deaf” university in the northeast area of Washington D.C.
It was named after Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet.
The sign for Gallaudet (both the University and the man) is the same as one
of the versions of the sign for
"GLASSES." Use a single motion. Start at the side of the eye
with a "wide G handshape" and pull the hand backward about two inches into a
"closed G handshape."
Sample sentence: Did you go to Gallaudet? = "YOU GALLAUDET YOU?"
If you are already "into" the conversation you can just sign, "GALLAUDET
YOU?" and it will be easily understood to mean: "Did you attend Gallaudet."
If you sign "GALLAUDET, YOU FINISH-TOUCH YOU?" it would be understood to mean
"Have you ever been to Gallaudet?"
The sign "GALLAUDET" can be used to mean "glasses." It can also be used to
mean "Moses." This provides an interesting little memory aid: "Gallaudet was
the Moses of the Deaf Community." (Ahem.) Just guesing here -- but more
realistically the sign for "Moses" may have started as the sign HAIR (due to
the burning bush / white hair incident). Then over time mutated to look more
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