Native-American: (Traditional Version)
Touch an "F" hand to your cheek, then touch your head higher up and back.
Memory aid: Visualize the ceremonial headdress sometimes worn by some Native

In a message dated 3/15/2007 9:25:13 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Allie
Dr. Bill,
I thought the sign for Native American changed to
NATURE + AMERICA + AGENT to be politically correct.
Do you know if this is true?
I personally don't plan on using the "NATURE + AMERICAN + AGENT"
method. For the time being I still do the old "feather headdress"
The incoming "PC" method I've seen is to rub the back of the
non-dominant hand twice. That is a sign that has been borrowed from "Indian (Native
American) Sign Language." As early as 2006 I met someone who said
she saw that way being taught as a variation at Cal State University,
Northridge. Plus I looked in an old book of "Indian Sign Language" and
noted that the "rub" method was being show by a Native American
as the sign for "Indian" -- thus I do see the "rub" version as having
some strong roots.
version / Native
American Sign Language (NOT ASL)
Use a double movement (see notes).

Notes: While conversing in my office with a transfer student (Deaf and a
skilled ASL user), I noticed that she did the sign "SURFACE" when referring to
"Native Americans" or the group that were formerly referred to as "American Indians." I
asked where she got that sign and she indicated that she learned it from a
faculty member at California State University, Northridge (which doesn't
necessarily mean that the sign is being taught as ASL at that university -- it
simply means that one person showed it to another person and it is being used in
some conversations between some people). The reason why I'm including it
here is because I became curious about the sign and I went to an old "Indian
Sign Language" dictionary and looked up their sign for "Indian." The original
movement of sign for Native American in the "Indian Sign Language" dictionary