NIGHT (or "evening")
The sign for "night" is made by holding your non-dominant arm horizontally,
palm down, pointing to the side. (If you are right handed that means your
left arm would be pointing toward the right.) Put your dominant hand's wrist
on the back of your non-dominant hand, fingertips pointing down.

If you move the right hand along the left arm it is interpreted as meaning
"every night" or "nightly."

(basic version: non-compounded)

(advanced version: compound sign)

Also see:
Question: Does the sign NIGHT also
mean "tonight?"
Answer: No. To create the meaning of
"tonight" we sign a combination of NOW and NIGHT. This
creates the compound sign "TONIGHT."
In a message dated 3/8/2005 7:35:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, a
student asks:
Question: Is
evening and night the same thing?
Answer: Yes, but you can also modify the sign to mean early evening or late at
night depending on where you put the dominant hand. Lower (pointing
down more) means later.