American Sign Language: "ready"

The sign for "ready" has a few versions. They are all right.

The main version of "ready" holds the "R"-hands in front of the body (you can overlap them or just have them close to each other) and then moves them outward (to the sides) about 12 centimeters each.


Note: I get the feeling that at some point in the past this sign may have been an "initialized" version of the sign for FINISH but has mutated to the point where it now has a movement somewhat similar to that of a baseball umpire signaling "Safe!"

Another version of "ready" uses a movement similar to one of the versions of the sign "PLAN / prepare."  The "R" hands are both held in front of the torso, off to one side a bit and then both are moved to the other side of the torso using a somewhat quick, definite movement.

READY (conveying the meaning of "We are prepared.")


"Is everybody ready?!"
If you are with a group preparing to "head out" to go somewhere and you want to ask if everyone is prepared to leave you can hold both "R" hands up above your shoulders and shake them back and forth while raising your eyebrows and looking at people.

READY:  "Is everybody ready?!"


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