The sign for "restroom" is just an alternate (somewhat
more polite) way of signing "bathroom." Use an "R" handshape
and make a movement similar to the sign for double digit numbers
(such as 22, 33, 44, etc.). Slap the hand forward and down a couple
of inches and then arch it up to the starting point and slap it down
an inch or two to the right (if you are right handed).

In an email message kellyann.burket writes:
Good afternoon! I don't know if this is the right email to send this
question to, but I'll give it a shot. First of, I love your website!
It's really helped me expand my vocabulary. Second, I have a
question about the sign for "bathroom." I was taught the sign that
you use (to make a T and shake it). However, I've seen a couple
people use the sign for "ready" as the sign for "restroom." Is this
an alternate sign, or is it slang? Thanks!
Kellyann Burket
Actually that sign is "RESTROOM" not "READY."
RESTROOM bounces an R twice. After the first bounce it arcs up and
to the outside a bit. (As if drawing the letter "N" in the air with
the tip of an R-handshape).
-- Bill
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