There are several ways to sign "SEE."
The right way depends on what you mean.
The sign labeled as "SEE" ("V"-hand, palm facing inward) is generally used
to sign things such as: "Can you see me?," "I saw you yesterday," or
"I saw my grandmother today."
WATCH/observe sign is generally used for watching spectator type of events (TV,
movie, sports, plays, watching children play).
The sign
labeled as "LOOK" or "LOOK-at" (using a palm-out "V"-hand) is used for
actively looking at things. It can be used for browsing activities
such as people watching or window shopping. It is also useful as
command to tell someone to look at something by aiming the movement in the
direction of the thing to be looked at.
This version could be used to mean, "I looked at him."
"We will see"
"Let me see"
To do this version, tap your upper cheekbone twice with either a skeptical
expression or a curious expression.
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