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American Sign Language: "stuck up"

The sign for "stuck up" is the same as the typical American gesture for stuck up. (The pinkie is optional.)



Here is a sideways view.

Again, you don't "need" the pinkie. The sign is correct with our without sticking the pinkie in the air.

Sample sentence:  "Do you think cats are stuck up?" = YOU THINK CAT STUCK-UP?



In a message dated 12/12/2012 8:26:08 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, Carlos M. Martinez writes:
Hey Bill!
I live in Dominican Republic and am a graduated doctor. Just wanted to say that LifePrint has opened new doors for me. Although always intrigued by sign language, I used to think that learning it was impossible. But it serves as a great pleasure to know that if a patient comes into the emergency room signing that she's in distress I will, God-willing, be able to offer to help in any way that I can. Also, I'm reviewing the lessons and just got up to lesson 19. When you sign "stuck-up", I notice that you finger spell "up" after the sign? Since it wasn't described initially is it something that you would recommend or just a different variation? Thanks in advance.
- Carlos

Dear Dr. Carlos,
Hello :)
Adding a fingerspelled "up" after doing the sign "STUCK-UP" is not necessary -- it is just a variation.  You might see that sort of thing in other signs too though. For example, you might see someone sign "GIVE-UP U-P" wherein they sign "GIVE-UP" and then at the end of the sign add the letters "U" and "P."  Adding that extra couple of letters isn't actually part of the "official" sign, it just happens from time to time -- especially if you are trying to show emphasis.

- Dr. Bill

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