The sign "SUBSCRIBE" starts as an "open X-(thumb extended)" and
changes to a "closed X with a slightly tucked knuckle." The
sign begins with the thumb extended, then as the hand moves downward the
thumb makes contacts with the middle knuckle of the index finger.

Memory aid: Imagine "pulling paychecks out of the air." The
movement is very much as if you were reaching up a bit and grabbing a bit of
paper and pulling it down.
Here's a close-up of that handshape:

Animation: "subscribe"
In a message dated 12/29/2008 6:10:23 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, kern@
Can u explain about Iterative verb inflections? As in the case of the
iterative verb inflection for SUBSCRIBE, how does one differentiate
between a noun, as in SUBSCRIPTION, and an iterative verb inflection for
SUBSCRIBE? I apologize if this is a stupid question
~ Michelle Kern
The noun "SUBSCRIPTION" uses a double movement. The verb
"subscribe" or the verb
phrase "to subscribe" each use a single movement.
Now, if you are wanting to understand the iterative verb form of
subscribe as in "a continuously repeated action" you would do the sign
SUBSCRIPTION still using the double movement but you would do the
movements a bit larger with a slight hold in-between movements
(iterations). Thus the "iterative verb" is shown by signing the
regular verb form twice.
A bit more discussion regarding this sign: You will also see the use of an auxiliary verb such as "WILL" in
combination with the noun "SUBSCRIPTION" to create "the phrase "I will
get a subscription" which means in effect: "I will subscribe."
Or you could sign "I NOT SUBSCRIBE" using a single downward pulling
movement for the sign "SUBSCRIBE" which would be a "verb."
Variations on this theme:
Thus some ASL nouns fill the role of a verb not because of an inflection of the
noun but by use of an auxiliary verb to create a verb phrase.
Dr. Bill