In a message dated 8/2/2007 6:47:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Dr. Bill,
Gary here. I attend an informal class in a friends home and we are confused. Diabetes, sugar, cute, sweet. The differences?
Thank you!
signs are more encompassing than other signs. Which is to say, certain
signs are more general, they have more interpretations, and depend more
on context (the signs or sentences preceding or following the sign),
syntax (the word order of the sentence), or pragmatics (the environment
or situation in which the communication takes place) to determine their
meaning. "SWEET" is such a sign.
The "flat hand" that rubs/bends twice downward on the chin is can be
interpreted as:
and, when combined with the sign "SOUP," can be interpreted as
It seems to me that "older" people
use the SWEET sign to also mean "sugar." Coffee drinkers often use the
SWEET sign to mean "sugar" too. (Just like they use the sign "MILK" to
mean "cream.")
The modified "U/H" handshape (thumb alongside) that rubs/bends twice
downward on the chin can be interpreted as:
CANDY-(rare_version: off the chin or cheek using a "U-handshape)
Note: If a guy or girl is "hot" as in "very good looking" the above
sign can be modified to use a single downward movement that is much more
exaggerated and held longer at the end of the sign than the standard
sign for CUTE. If used, the facial expression tends to look as if you
were doing a "whistle." I'm sure that expression is simply how your
lips look when you pronounce the letter "U."
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