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American Sign Language: "sweetheart"

The sign for sweetheart holds modified "A" hands near the chest (over the heart works well).
The sign starts with the thumbs extended and then you bring the thumbs down, up, and down again.


In a message dated 1/22/2013 5:29:39 A.M. Central Standard Time, Emily writes:
My name is Emily.
There's a sign that's confusing me that I would like your help on. I keep seeing a sign used in ASL music videos. It's the sign for "text", as in texting with a phone, but people are using that sign to replace the word "baby." Is this a real sign that can be used in a more romantic phrasing of the word "baby," or is it just slang? And would it be appropriate to use in conversation when not referring to an actual baby?
Thank you for your response!

- Emily

Dear Emily,
That sign you are seeing isn't the sign for texting. It is the sign for "sweetheart."
People tend to substitute the sign "sweetheart" for the word "baby" in signed songs.
Dr. Bill


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