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American Sign Language: "true"

The sign for "true" can be used to mean many English concepts such as:  sure, indeed, absolutely, "you're welcome," real, really, so, very, etc...

The sign for "true" is made by placing the dominant index finger against your lips. If you are right-handed, your palm should face left. 

Move your finger forward several inches using a quick motion.


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ASL doesn't use specific signs for "state of being" verbs: is, am, are, be, being, been, was, and were.  Signed English uses these signs, but ASL doesn't.

Although ASL doesn't use "be" verbs, the sign "TRUE" is often used to affirm the existence or reality of something. 

If you wanted to say, "I am happy" in ASL you would simply sign, "I HAPPY" while nodding your head. 


You wouldn't need to sign  "I TRUE HAPPY." 


If someone questioned you and signed to you, "I THINK YOU LIE!" You could affirm that you are truly, indeed happy by signing, "FINIISH-(one hand) I TRUE HAPPY!"  Which would mean "Oh knock it off, I really am happy!"

Also see: FALSE

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