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American Sign Language: "with" / together

The sign WITH can be modified to mean many different things. For a more advanced discussion of this sign, see: "WITH" (advanced discussion)

The sign for "WITH" is made by forming the letter "a" with both hands.  Place both your hands together, palms facing. 

WITH / together:






If you hold the "A" hands together and then make a sweeping horizontal circle (while keeping them together--looks like you are stirring a witch's brew on Halloween) it shows "solidarity." As in the group is working together:



There are many signs related to the sign "WITH." 

For example, the signs in-front-of, behind, follow, catch-up, chase, fall-behind, accompany, together, go-with, go-steady, race, compete, and subordinate are all variations of the sign "WITH."

For more information, see: "WITH" (advanced discussion)

Also see: SEPARATE


Rookie mistake: Signing SHOES ( ) when you mean WITH (  ).

Rookie mistake: Signing WITH -- during times when you don't need to sign it at all. For example, to sign "I agree with you" -- you just sign "I AGREE YOU." (And nod your head a bit or a lot depending on how much you agree.)



A student writes:   "I have a question about WITH. It looks like me that the wrists are supposed to touch, but every time I do that, I end up finding that my hands have to move farther out from my body so I can comfortably have my wrists touch."


Do "not" the wrists while signing WITH.  That would veer into starting to look like one of the versions of ARREST (if the knuckles are separated) -- as if you are in handcuffs.

For the sign WITH, the heel of the hands "can" touch if you are doing the sign very carefully and/or with emphasis (like you see me doing in the LP dictionary) however in fast casual signing you might also see the contact being made mainly with the intermediate phalanges and the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints (the second and third knuckles).

However, this conversation is good because it brings up the point that the sign WITH certainly has a looser, more casual version that is held close to the body and in which the heels of the hands do not touch. I need to add that version to my next video session. Thanks.


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