Author Biography: Richard G. Brill
Brill, R. (1974) "The Education of the Deaf : Administrative and
Professional Developments. Gallaudet College Press.
"Dr. Richard G. Brill began his association with schools for the
Deaf at birth as he was born in the Mystic Oral School in
Connecticut where his mother was a teacher and his father the
principal. During his boyhood he lived in schools for the Deaf in
New Brunswick, Canada, Nebraska, and New Jersey. Dr. Brill holds an
A. B. from Rutgers University in Political Science, an M. A. from
the University of California at Berkeley in Educational Psychology,
and the EdD from Rutgers University in Educational Supervision.
He was a classroom teacher of the Deaf in Berkeley for five years,
principal of a residential school in Virginia for two years (which
were interrupted by serving as the Commanding Officer of a subchaser
during World War II for three years), principal of a day school for
the Deaf in Newark, New Jersey, for three years, and an assistant
professor at the University of Illinois for two years.
Dr. Brill was selected to established the California School for the
Deaf, Riverside, where he has served as superintendent since 1951.
For 12 years he taught a graduate course in administration to the
National Leadership Training Program at California State University,
Dr. Brill has also served as the president of the American
Instructors of the Deaf, the Council on Education of the Deaf, and
the Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf, an
Assistant Editor of dsh Abstracts, and has had over 40 papers
published in professional journals.
Through the years Dr. Brill has served as a member of many advisory
committees established by the Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare, as well as on many other committees of professional
organizations. He also served as a consultant on state plans for the
education of the Deaf to the states of Idaho, Utah, Texas, and
In 1974 Dr. Brill was the invited guest of the Australian and New
Zealand Association of Teachers of the Deaf at their convention in
Melbourne, Austria."
[Source: "Library Resources," n.d. The Saint John Deaf & Hard of
Hearing Services Inc., Retrieved, Nov. 9,
"In 1951, Dr. Richard G. Brill took up the educational leadership
to get the new school off the ground. During his 26-year
administration, Dr. Brill set up a school system that continues to
this day. In 1958, student population reached 500. Dr. Brill was
instrumental in bringing CSDR to the forefront of educational
(Retrieved: Nov. 9, 2014)
"After a long and exhausting search, the committee and the Board of
instead of McClure, chose Dr. Richard G. Brill, a former teacher at
the Berkeley School, to become CSDR’s first superintendent.
According to Struxness, Brill and McClure had similar educational
philosophies, which was the reason for his selection. However, it is
likely that Stevenson was selected because he had ties to the
Berkeley School. Dr. Richard Brill served as the school’s
superintendent for 26 years."
(Retrieved Nov. 9th 2014)
Note: It is likely that more information can be found in:
Struxness, Kevin. The CSDR Story 1945-2003. DeBee Communications,
Inc., 2008.
Gannon, Jack. 1981. Deaf Heritage–A Narrative History of Deaf
America, Silver Spring, MD: National Association of the Deaf,
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