[2018/05/09: Editor / author's note: Apparently
there is a quote in this article that being taken out of context and or
skewed by someone attempting to portray me as the owner of an
interpreter agency. I am NOT. The quote is from me as a
consumer. Meaning? As a Deaf/hh individual I sometimes use
an interpreter -- particularly for work-related meetings. The
interpreter agency sends them. I show up to the meeting. The
interpreter shows up to the meeting. I've never signed, "HEY YOU
PAST JAIL YOU? to someone who showed up to interpret for me. However,
allow me to be perfectly clear, I believe that anyone working with
children and/or in the public or private K - 12 school systems should be
able to pass a standard criminal background check. - Dr. Bill Vicars]
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter with a Criminal
In a message dated 7/12/2013 9:54:07 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
________2708@gmail.com writes:
Good Morning,
I have a couple questions about interpreting as a career. I figured it would
probably be easiest to just e-mail you.
Something important that I wanted to talk to you about was my background and
record. Please don't judge me. I made a few mistakes that were not okay in
my past and I have gotten in trouble for them and paid my dues. I got caught
stealing before. I definitely have learned from this experience and I would
never do anything like that again. I am truly paying for my actions.
I just wanted to know your personal opinion on whether or not you think I
can still make it as an interpreter? I know I had a hard time finding a job
that even pays more than minimum wage because of background checks etc. I
have heard people say that after a certain amount of years it wouldn't show
up. I am not sure.
I guess my question would be is do you think it would be impossible for me?
Would it be extremely hard for me to find work in this business? Just
curious what you think. I hope people can see that I have changed and they
were just mistakes that created a leaning experience.
Sorry this was sooo long! You can just get back to me when you have time. I
just wanted to ask you because your a professional in the area of ASL.
Thank you so much!!
- (Name on File)
Dear _______,
It seems to me that you could indeed become an interpreter.
While you likely would
not end up with a job in the public school system you
could certainly earn a decent wage freelancing or perhaps even hooking up
with an interpreter agency.
You state that you "hope people can see" that you have changed. Eh?
Why even mention it in the first place? As you say, you have paid your
dues. So close that door and move on. No need to bring it up. Sure, if
someone asks you directly (or on an employment form) if you have ever been
convicted -- you should answer honestly. But there is no logical
reason to run around volunteering the information. Instead just learn a
valuable skill (interpreting or otherwise) and go out and exchange that
skill for income to support yourself in your life endeavors.
I've never asked any of my interpreters "Have you done jail time?"
[2018/05/09: Editor / author's note: Apparently the
above quote is being taken out of context and or skewed by someone
attempting to portray me as the owner of an interpreter agency. I am
NOT. The above quote is from me as a consumer. Meaning? As a Deaf/hh
individual I sometimes use an interpreter -- particularly for work-related
meetings. The interpreter agency sends them. I show up to the meeting.
The interpreter shows up to the meeting. I've never signed, "HEY YOU
PAST JAIL YOU? to someone who showed up to interpret for me. Allow me to be
perfectly clear, I believe that anyone working in the public or private K -
12 school systems should be able to pass a standard criminal background
check. - Dr. Bill Vicars]
I've never even thought of asking anything like that. They show up,
doing the interpreting, and go away. End of story. The way I see it, your
past experiences might actually make you even better qualified for
certain types of interpreting -- particularly interpreting in circumstances
involving legal terminology.
Dr. Vicars
William G. Vicars, EdD
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