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   ASLU:  "How to teach ASL at a California High School"

Regarding HS Teacher Certification to teach ASL:


This information was told to me by a person who just went through the process in 2016:

Requirements for teaching ASL in California High schools:

*  BA in Deaf Studies

*  Pass California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)

                     Three subtests given; Reading, Math, Writing

                     $41.00 per test; computer based testing is an option at slightly higher fee

                     Total passing score 123pts for all 3 sections; 4 hours total allotted time

*  Detailed information can be found at:   

*  Pass ASL California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET)

                     Three subtest given; $69.00 per subtest

                     Tests can be taken in a single session or all in one day

                     Passing score 220pts. per subtest   

                     Much of these tests include video components   

          Detailed information can be found at:   

An alternate method to taking the CSET is to obtain a “Subject Matter Equivalency Letter” from a university verifying completion of a CCTC-approved subject matter program.

Obtain Teaching Credentials from any credentialing university

To teach ASL, credentialing universities require completion of a BA in Deaf Studies before beginning a credentialing program. The CBEST and CSETs are given through the state of California and are not part of credentialing universities curriculum.  This allows students the flexibility of taking the first semester of classes in a credentialing program, while studying for and taking the CBEST and CSETs. It is important to note that most credentialing programs will require the passing of both tests before students can begin their student or intern teaching. 

Computer-based testing for CBEST is now available year-round, Monday through Saturday.  Paper-based testing is still an option as well and is offered five times a year typically September, December, February, April and July.  Results are generally given within two weeks.  CSETS for ASL or only paper-based and are offered twice a year, typically April and September.

Also see: CSET:ASL


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