American Sign Language
American Sign Language University is an online curriculum resource for ASL
students, instructors, interpreters, and parents of deaf children. Please
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sign language
American Sign Language
ASL University Abbe Charles Michel de L'Epee ABC Stories: Americans with
Disabilities Act ASL [1] (a brief definition) ASL review activity/quiz
Assimilation Assistive Technology: Communication Devices for the Deaf Attention
Getting Methods Audism Baseball and ASL Bibliography Book Preview A Study of
American Deaf Folklore Book Review Deaf in America Book Preview: A Brief History
of ASL Book Preview: Fingerspelling hints Book Review: Personal Pronouns Book
Review: Initialization Book Review: terminology Book Review: The Purpose of
Signed English Captioning (close captioning) Careers in ASL Children: Linguistic
and Social Development Children of Deaf Adults Children: So, your baby is going
to be born deaf... Chimpanzees and ASL Chinese Sign Language Classifiers
Classifier: 1 or index finger CL:1 Classifier: 3 CL:3 Classifier: 5 Classifier:
American Sign Language
A Classifier: B and Classifier; BB Classifier: F Classifier: H,R, and 4
Classifier: Inverted V and bent inverted V Classifier: Quantifiers Classifiers:
Size, Location, Movement Clerc, Laurent Closed Captioning Cochlear Implants:
"Why Culturally Deaf People are Against Implants" CODA: Children of Deaf Adults
Codeswitching Colors Comparatives and Superlatives Contact-Signing Cub Scout
Oath Cued Speech Deaf Culture [1] Deaf Culture (Test) [1] Deaf Culture [2] Dear
Culture (3) Deaf Culture (4) Deaf Culture: Growing up Deaf Deaf Parents Deaf
Way: The International Deaf Way Conference and Festival Deaf Way II Deaflympics
Deaf President Now Directionality Directionality 2 Drivers Licenses
Documentation Form Dogs: "Hearing Dogs" Employment: Deaf in the Workplace
Evolution of a sign Eye Gaze (see Lesson 5) Extended Transcript Systems Facial
Expressions Fingerspelling: Receptive Practice Fingerspelling
American Sign Language
Fingerspelling Phobia" Font-"Fingerspelling Font" Football Huddle Foreign
Language Credit Frequently Asked Questions (1) Frequently Asked Questions (2)
Frequently Asked Questions (3) Gallaudet, Edward Miner Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins
Gallaudet-TrueType-"Fingerspelling Font" Gallaudet University Gestuno GLAD
Glossary Grammar of ASL Grammar 1 Grammar 2 Grammar 3 Grammar 4 Hadden, Luther
"Dummy Taylor" baseball player Handshapes Hearing Ear Dogs Hearing Loss: Types
of Heinicke, Samuel History of ASL (1) History of ASL (2) History of ASL (3)
History of ASL (4) History Test Homeschoolling Humor I have a question I've got
a question (2) Idioms Indexing Inflection Immersion Program Initialized Signs
Interesting signs: "finish touch" Interpreting Interpreting: How to become an
interpreter in Texas
American Sign Language
Interpreting: Taking a look at the other side Interviews Index Interview:
General interview for practicing ASL Interview Dr. Michael Bienenstock
Interview: Bridgit Bonheyo Interview: Brent Ehrig Interview: Terol Galien
Interview: Connie Rubery Interview: Belinda Vicars Interview: Bill Vicars Jokes
Keller, Hellen Language Deprivation Language: ASL Acquisition Language Choices
Language: Early Acquisition Late Deafened Adult Learning ASL: Why study ASL?
Learning ASL: Getting practice Learning ASL: Hints Left-handed signers
Lexicalized Fingerspelling Linguistics of ASL Linguistics of ASL Linguistics:
Grouping ASL Signs by their Parameters Literacy and the Deaf Little Deaf Riding
Hood Locatives
American Sign Language
Matlin, Marlee Matlin, Marlee [2] Meeting Deaf People Metathesis Minimal
Pairs Morphemes: Form vs. Process Mouthing in ASL Mouthing in ASL 2 Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Dr. NAD: National Association of the Deaf Name Signs National Theater of the
Deaf Negation Neurolinguistics of ASL Nonlinguistic Communication (Bill Vicars)
Non-Manual Markers Nonverbal -Will ASL use harm speech development? Noun-verb
pairs: see [Lesson 5] Numbers Numbers: discussion Oralism Pageants Person Affix
[agency or "agent affix] Phonemes Pidgin Pluralization Possession PSE Psychology
of "Deaf People" Telephone Relay Service Ranking Reflections of an ASL student
Regional Dialects in ASL Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf - (Katie
Caillavet) Religious Signing and Deaf Ministries Repeated movement of signs
(repetition) Research Papers Right or Left Hand Rochester Method Signed English
Signing with something in your hand Sociolinguistic Variation of ASL Book Review
10: Specialized Signs Skorohodova, Olga (Russia's own "Hellen Keller") Songs
Storytelling Student Report: Deaf Day Program Visit Syntax Technical Signs
Telecommunications for the Deaf Temporal Adverbs Terminology Theatre Time Tutors
TTY Wanted List: A list of concepts for which I'd like to find decent signs
Workshops-(So, you want a workshop?) World Federation of the Deaf (available for
use as a student research paper) World Games for the Deaf: Now called
- American Sign Language
MATRIX © Lifeprint Institute Topics available for students to use as research
papers: Abbe Charles Michel de L'Epee National Center for Law and the Deaf
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf American Society for Deaf
Children Artistic Signing ASL Phrase book [available for book review] Countries,
States, and Cities Deaf Smith Drugs Dual Party Relay (DPR) Expletives Eye Gaze
Facial Expression and Non-Manual Cues Formal vs. Informal Signing Furniture
Vocabulary Gender and ASL Historical Change and ASL Iconicity of Signs Idioms
Incorporation of Intensity Incorporation of Time Indexing on the Non-Dominant
Hand Inflections: Regularity and Duration Interpreters in the Educational
Setting Juncture Markers Kinds of Sentences Laurent Clerc Loan Signs Miss Deaf
America Pageant Name Signs National Captioning Institute National Fraternal
Society of the Deaf National Technical Institute for the Deaf National Theater
for the Deaf Non-Manual Cues in Expressing Time
American Sign Language
Non-manual Cues Noun-Verb Pairs On The Other Hand [available for a book review]
Ordinal Numbers Passive Voice in ASL Person Marker Rochester Method Role Taking
Samuel Heinicke Sex and ASL SimCom Speechreading: "Why it isn't enough"
Numbering in ASL Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc. Temporal Adverbs Time
Line Total Communication Visual Readiness Training ASL Students attending brick
and mortar Universities are welcome to submit their papers to ASL U for
publication. All submissions become co-owned by ASL U. That means you are free
to use it and do what you want with it and ASL U can publish it and use it how
it wants.