The Guyana Deaf Education  Project: Train the ASL Trainer Workshop Gallery:

From the Journal of "Safari Bill"

Hello ASL Heroes!!!
Here are a few images and pics from the Guyana Workshop.
I'll post more as time allows.

-- Dr. Bill

Note:  Special thanks to California State University Sacramento for co-sponsoring the Train the ASL Trainer workshop

Deaf students at the David Rose School in Georgetown, Guyana:

Dr. Bill teaching the "Circle Game" at the National Center for Educational Resource Development:

Avril Lake, a teacher at South Ruimveldt Park Primary School in Guyana, learns how to create a special
handshape useful for entertaining young children.

Dr. Bill and Sean Thomas "connect" during the "string game"

Dr. Bill at Kaieteur Falls:

Fun and Games with Guyanese Deaf Students:

Dr. Bill demonstrating his "stick trick."

Getting to know Paulette Childs, long-time Guyana educator of the Deaf:


Rushelle and Tristana, Educators of the Deaf, enjoying the workshop:

High Resolution images | Demerara River | Kaieteur Falls