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American Sign Language: "bathroom"

The sign for "bathroom" is made by forming the right hand into the letter "t."  The palm side is facing away from you. Shake your hand side to side a couple times. Some people use a twisting movement instead of the side to side shake.  Either is fine.



"How many bathrooms do you have in your house?"


A frequent question in households with children and/or developmentally disabled folks is, "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"  This can be signed easily by simply doing the sign for bathroom while at the same time tilting your head forward a bit and raising your eyebrows.

 "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"

Note: You might be wondering why the sign "BATHROOM" uses a "T" handshape.  It is probably because this sign can also be interpreted to mean "toilet."  Most of the time though the sign should be interpreted as "bathroom."

Also see: RESTROOM

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