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American Sign Language: "far"

The dominant hand moves "far" from the non-dominant hand.
Compare with the sign for:  "WITH."

FAR (version 1)

People sometimes ask me what the difference is between FAR done with the (modified) "A" hands and FAR done with the index finger.  The differences I notice are that the "A" hand version has its roots in the sign for "WITH" (together). The non-dominant hand functions as a type of base or starting point and thus moving the dominant hand away from it seems to convey the idea of "far away from here" or "far away from this ____" (whatever you are using as the base). Sure, you can use this sign for concepts involving "distance" but I also would tend to use the "A" hand version if the concept didn't actually involve "distance" but rather involved "progress." (For example, suppose two groups are trying to design something and one group is "far" ahead of the other.) 

 The "index finger" version of FAR (see below) seems to convey either "far away" in general or it can mean more of a "far in that direction" type of idea.  You can do the FAR-(index_version) sign in a specific direction to correspond with real life locations.

FAR (version 2)


Form your right hand into an "F" handshape.  Touch the tip of your index and thumb fingers to the tip of your nose.  Pull your hand out away from your face then sharply downward.




Animation:  "Not far"


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