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American Sign Language:  "grandma"

The sign for "grandmother" is made by touching your chin with the thumb of your dominant hand, as when signing "mother."  The dominant hand should be open.  Move your hand forward in two small arches.
Note: Many people just move the hand forward without the arches.



Remember, there are two "right" ways to do this.  One is just to use to use two small arcs.  The other is to use a single large arching motion. 

GRANDMA (version)


Also see: GRANDPA ("GRANDPA" is similar to "GRANDMA" except that it is done starting at the forehead.)

Also see: MOM

Also see: DAD

A student asks: "Is there a different sign for granny as apposed to grandmother?"

Dr. Bill replies: The sign "grandmother" tends to be fairly standard with two main versions (single arc and/or double arc). So, in general it is safe to say that "granny" and "grandmother" use the same sign.  On a deeper level though, "granny" conveys the concept of a grandmother to whom people are often referring. "Granny" is a shortened version of "grandmother." People use nick names and shorter versions of words as a way of saving time when the other conversation partner is familiar with the topic and we are often referring to our topic.  So by saying "granny," I'm implying that you already know whom I'm talking about and that I'm talking about a specific grandmother known and likely related to both of us.  In the Deaf World there is a strong likelihood that "granny" would have a specific namesign and that Deaf grandchildren would either use granny's namesign or would use a very quick short or abbreviated version of the sign "grandmother."


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You can learn sign language online at American Sign Language (ASL) University (tm) 
Sign language lessons and resources.  Dr. William Vicars (c)