To sign "weekend" you use a
combination of the signs "week" and "end."
There are a couple of "right ways" to sign it.
Some folks use both hands in "flat" handshapes. Some folks initialize it.
Here is how I do it. I use a modified version of week by sliding my
index finger across the top of my flat hand. Then I change the index finger
into a flat hand and sign "END."
Here is another way to sign "WEEKEND"
This one starts with a traditional sign for week then changes into end.
In a message dated 9/19/2012 4:33:28 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, rlevinger
Dr. Bill,
I was signing with a deaf friend of mind (for practice, he needs as
much practice as I do since he has had a cochlear implant since he was
young) and I was signing the word "weekend" (like you teach) but he
didn't know what I was talking about. He signed it as the letters "W"
and "E" starting on the left side of his body (with a W) and moving
his hand (his right hand) to the right side of his body (switching to
an E). Is this excepted? ( I would assume so, since my friend is
Thank you for your help.
Dear RL,
There are several common ways that you will see the sign "WEEKEND" done.
While some people do include the letters "W" and "E" in their version of
"WEEKEND" it would be non-standard to do the sign without using the
base hand. (Unless perhaps if you are holding a sandwich or a drink.)
If I'm understanding your description though I do believe I'm going to have
to respectfully decline endorsing your friend's version. Perhaps it is a
regional thing, but it isn't common in any of the regions I've been to, (and
I've been to quite a few regions).
I recommend you ask a few of the local Deaf natives how they sign WEEKEND
and see if you can get feel for what is used by others in your region. If
they all (or any of them actually) sign it the way your friend does do let
me know.
-- Dr. Bill
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