American Sign Language (ASL)

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Syllabus links:

Note: Many schools and teachers include in their curriculum. 
Check with your
local instructor regarding the right syllabus for your class.

●  The importance of a syllabus
●  Designing your syllabus
●  How to improve a typical syllabus
●  Sample syllabus for an in-person ASL class: Syllabus


ASL University Syllabi:


●   ASLU Level 1 Self-study  (Free) 
Use this syllabus if you are a casual learner who would like an easy, organized way to study ASL through the internet at your own pace without having to buy anything.  You don't need to test yourself.  You don't need documentation.  You just want to learn how to communicate with your friend, coworker, relative, or Deaf people that you happen to meet.
Click here to visit the "self-study" syllabus ►

●   ASLU Level 1 [Home School / Self-Testing]  (Free. Do not register. Do not pay tuition.)
Use this syllabus if you are a home school or self-study student and want to be able to test your own progress by using computer-based testing.  If you would like, you may purchase the Superdisk from the ASLU bookstore.  Use this approach if do not need authoritative documentation.
Click here to visit the "Home-school" / proctored syllabus ►

●   ASLU Level 1 [College-equivalent study]  (Must register, must pay tuition.)
Use this approach if you need authoritative documentation of your participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction. You need to satisfy a language course or continuing education requirement at your local school or organization by taking a course equivalent to a 4-semester-credit-hour college course or a 1st-year high school language course.  You have checked and your local school or organization has indicated in writing that they are willing to accept continuing education units from ASLU.  
Click here to go to the "Registration Page" ►

Click here to see a SAMPLE of the "Registered Student ASL 1 Syllabus" ►
 If your local school would like information about ASLU, see this page:  "About ASLU ►"

●   ASLU Level 2 [College-equivalent study]  (Registration fee, includes materials)
Use this approach if you need a second semester ASL course that provides authoritative documentation of your participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction. This course might help you satisfy a language course or continuing education requirement at your local school or organization. This course is generally equivalent to to a 4 semester-credit-hour college course or a 2nd-year high school course.  Register only if you have checked with your local school or organization and they have indicated in writing that they are willing to accept continuing education units from (ASLU). 

 Click here to go to the "Registration Page" ►
 Click here to see a SAMPLE of the "Registered Student ASL 2 Syllabus" ►
 If your local school would like information about ASLU, see this page:  "About ASLU ►"


Dr. Bill's new iPhone "Fingerspelling Practice" app is now available!   GET IT HERE!  

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hosted by © Dr. William Vicars