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Course Title: "American Sign Language 1"
Abbreviated title: "ASL 1"
Course Description: American Sign Language 1 is an introduction to American Sign Language (ASL). Includes basic grammar, vocabulary, fingerspelling, numbers, and cultural information related to the Deaf Community.
Prerequisites: none
Course Format: Online, self-paced, open-entry/open exit, structured curriculum, instructional videos, individual vocabulary review links, access to a qualified instructor, online quizzes, and an online gradebook.
Equivalents: This course is comparable to the following courses and credit:
● Public School K-12: First-Year Language Course (135 seat hours)
● Carnegie Units: 120 to 150 (the larger number is for students who need more practice in order to pass)
● College programs: First semester, lower division, 4 semester-credit hours or 6 quarter-credit hours
● Continuing Education Programs: 15 CEUs
● Sample Lessons: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
● Sample Syllabus: "ASL 1 Syllabus" (sample)
Tuition: $483 [Total. No hidden fees.]
Registration: Link to registration page ►
Course Title: "American Sign Language 2"
Abbreviated title: "ASL 2"
Course Description: ASL 2 is a continuation of ASL 1. This course is designed to continue development of American Sign Language expressive and receptive skills, grammar, vocabulary, cultural awareness, and related terminology.
Prerequisites: "American Sign Language 1" or permission from the instructor.
This course is comparable to the following courses and credit:
● Public School K-12: Second Year Language Course (135 seat hours)
● Carnegie Units: 120 to 150 (the larger number is for students who need more practice in order to pass)
● College programs: Second semester, lower division, 4 semester-credit hours or 6 quarter-credit hours
● Continuing Education Programs: 15 CEUs
● Sample Lessons: 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |30
● Sample Syllabus: "ASL 2 Syllabus" (sample)
Tuition: $483 [Total. No hidden fees.]
Registration: Link to registration page ►
Course Title: "American Sign Language 3"
Abbreviated title: "ASL 3"
Course Description: ASL 3 is a continuation of ASL 2. This course is designed to continue development of American Sign Language expressive and receptive skills, grammar, vocabulary, cultural awareness, and related terminology.
Prerequisites: "American Sign Language 2" or permission from the instructor.
This course is comparable to the following courses and credit:
● Public School K-12: Third Year Language Course (135 seat hours)
● Carnegie Units: 120 to 150 (the larger number is for students who need more practice in order to pass)
● College programs: Third semester, lower division, 4 semester-credit hours or 6 quarter-credit hours
● Continuing Education Programs: 15 CEUs
● Sample Lessons: 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45
● Sample Syllabus: "ASL 3 Syllabus"
Tuition: $483 [Total. No hidden fees.]
Registration: Link to registration page ►
Course Title: "American Sign Language 4"
Abbreviated title: "ASL 4"
Course Description: ASL 3 is a continuation of ASL 3. This course is designed to continue development of American Sign Language expressive and receptive skills, grammar, vocabulary, cultural awareness, and related terminology.
Prerequisites: "American Sign Language 3" or permission from the instructor.
This course is comparable to the following courses and credit:
● Public School K-12: Fourth Year Language Course (135 seat hours)
● Carnegie Units: 120 to 150 (the larger number is for students who need more practice in order to pass)
● College programs: Fourth semester, lower division, 4 semester-credit hours or 6 quarter-credit hours
● Continuing Education Programs: 15 CEUs
● Level 4 Lesson Links: 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60● Sample Syllabus: "ASL 4 Syllabus"
Tuition: $483 [Total. No hidden fees.]
Registration: Link to registration page ►
For more information about this program see: "About ASLU"
* Reference: Carnegie Units:
Sample email to request local credit:
Dear _________
I am requesting to be granted first year language credit and second year language credit from [enter local school name here] for participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction. To be clear, [enter name of local school here] will award credit upon receipt of documentation of my having successfully completed each of two sign language courses that are analogous to a first semester and second semester college-level course. These courses are taught by Dr. Bill Vicars who holds an earned doctorate in Deaf Education from an accredited University (Lamar University in Texas) and has over two decades ASL teaching experience.
Below are course descriptions of the target courses: "ASL 1" & "ASL 2."
Thank you for your consideration.
[Enter your name here.]
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You can learn American Sign Language (ASL) online at American Sign Language University ™
ASL resources by © Dr. William Vicars