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American Sign Language: Getting Practice

Monica: How would you suggest we get practice signing?

DrVicars: Okay about practice. You need to tie into the Deaf community. I know that will be
somewhat difficult for many of you, but try to find a friend or someone else whom you can talk

You might want to try your local library's audio/visual dept. Ask the librarian about videos that
teach sign language.

Check with your local college and or community education organizations.

Call the "night-school" director of your school district and ask about classes.

Check with your state's division of services to the deaf.

If you are the religious type, check with your church for deaf outreach services.

Subscribe to the nationwide deaf magazines: The NAD Broadcaster (301) 587-1788 [Editor's note: the publication has been changed into "NAD Mag," so I suggest you visit for subscription info], or the Silent News (609) 802-1977. Then also subscribe to your local Deaf Community newspaper or newsletter.

When you get the newspapers, look in the "What's Happening" sections and try to find activities and events that you can attend or participate in.

Ask the Deaf people in your area if there is a list of Deaf Organizations and contact numbers.
Then contact the president of each organization that is of interest to you and ask if you can volunteer is some capacity.

WELLEBY: Someone asked how we should practice? Well, I teach my friend what I learn, then we practice together at school.

DrVicars: Good idea as long as you learned it correctly from your teacher and you are not fossilizing mistakes.

Lii: How about signing in front of a mirror? That would also give practice in reading as well.

DrVicars: Some people like it. I have no problem with it.

Sharp: I've been teaching my 6 year old and he practices with me.

For more discussion on this topic, see "Meeting Deaf People."


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