By: Christine Wall
The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is an
important organization that was established by and for Deaf and Hard of
Hearing individuals to improve the quality of the Deaf and advocate for Deaf
rights in all aspects of Deaf life.
In 1850 the idea of establishing a national
organization for Deaf individuals was discussed at gatherings in Hartford,
Connecticut where the first School for the Deaf, The American School for the
Deaf, was established. With many obstacles in the way the idea was
persisted and resulted in the development of the New England Gallaudet
Association. The reason for the importance of a national association was,
“Deaf Americans were beginning to realize that if anyone was going to
resolve their problems it would have to be themselves. They were concerned
about the educational conditions in schools for the deaf and about the
methods of instruction. Pure oralism was threatening the learning freedom
of deaf children and the employment of deaf teachers” (Gannon, 1981). Also,
was the urgency for the public to understand Deaf individuals and their
capabilities as a regular human being.
There were 3 very important men that lead the
development of NAD: Edmund Booth, Robert P. McGregor, and Edwin A.
Hodgson. The one that is truly known for establishing NAD was Edwin
Hodgson. Veditz (7th president of NAD) called Hodgson, “the
father and founder of the National Association of the Deaf” (Gannon, 1981).
In 1880 the first convention of the NAD was held
in Cincinnati, Ohio. This is where Robert P. McGregor was principal of the
School for the Deaf. He was always a big supporter for the causes of the
Deaf community, so he was then elected as the first president of the NAD.
Twenty-one states were represented at the first convention. During that
same time there was an International convention in Milan, Italy, hearing
educators of the deaf were trying to pass a resolution that would affect the
Deaf community. They voted overwhelmingly to ban the use of sign language to
teach deaf children and only wanted the pure oralism method to be used. The
group opposed a compromise, but the Americans wanted a combine method of
speech and sign language (Garretson, 1996).
In 1883, the second convention was held in New
York, and Edwin Hodgson was elected president. The importance of this
convention was the development of creating a statue in honor of Thomas
Hopkins Gallaudet. It was placed on the deaf college campus in Washington
DC (Gannon, 1981).
During the 3rd convention, “mutes” was
dropped from the title of National Association of the Deaf-Mutes (Gannon,
George Veditz was also important person in the
history of the National Association of the Deaf. He was the 7th
president, he was elected in 1904 and then reelected in 1907. He was the
one that preserved sign language. At that time sign language was being
threatened by oral schools to ban it, and he wanted to make sure it was not
lost. He gathered money through NAD to finance the making of video and
speeches in sign language (Van Cleve, 1987).
In 1960, A Junior National Association of the Deaf was
founded. It was for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in grades 7 to 12.
It was established to provide Deaf students the opportunity to learn
leadership skills. Chapters of the Jr. NAD can be found in residential
Schools for the Deaf and other Schools for the Deaf (Garretson, 1996).
NAD has supported many causes in the years since
it has been established in the Deaf community. It has created awareness and
protected Deaf rights. They supported students and staff at Gallaudet
University in the Deaf President Now movement protest in March of 1988.
Also, in 1990 NAD fought for the rights of Deaf individuals to be included
in “The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). NAD always fights for the
rights for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals to use ASL and to be
provided with Interpreters (Erting, 1994).
NAD describes their aims and objectives: “The
Mission of NAD is to promote, protect and preserve the civil, human, and
linguistic rights of the deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United
States” (NAD, 2013).
Today, the National Association of the Deaf is
still a strong and vibrant organization as it was when it was first
established. It has changed the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. It has
given awareness to the general public, fought for many of their rights as
humans, and established ASL as a language. If it was not for this
organization many rights would have been violated, and the Deaf community
would not be strong and connected as it is today.
Gannon, J. (1981). Deaf Heritage: A Narrative
History of Deaf American. Silver Springs, Maryland: National
Association of the Deaf. (page 62).
Garretson, M.D. (Ed) (1996). Deafness: Historical
Perspectives: A Deaf American Monograph. Silver Springs, Maryland:
National Association of the Deaf.
Van Cleve, J. (1987). Gallaudet Encyclopedia of
Deaf People and Deafness. Gallaudet University, Washington DC.:
Erting, C. (1994). The Deaf Way. Washington
DC: Gallaudet University Press.
NAD (2013). NAD. Silver Springs, Maryland:
National Association of the Deaf.
[End of Christine Wall's Article]
Editorial Notes and various
"The National Association of the Deaf was
founded by deaf people in 1853. Deaf people realized that if anyone was
to resolve their problems, it would have to be themselves. At their first
convention in 1880, the delegates resolved " .. to bring the
close contact and to deliberate on the needs of the deaf as a class. We
have interests peculiar to ourselves which can be taken care of by ourselves."
The NAD routinely publishes and books and
articles on deafness. Since 1971, the national headquarters has been located
in Silver Spring, Maryland."(Source:
"National Association of the Deaf" from
On the Other Hand by Dr. Elaine Costello. South Carolina Department
of Education, 1992. p. 14")
The NAD used to publish a newspaper
called "The
Broadcaster." Now it publishes the "NADmag" and the NADezine.
NADezine subscriptions are open to anyone-- NAD membership is not
required. Published twice a month, the
NADezine averages over 2,000
subscribers with an estimated readership of over 4,000 due to forwarded
emails." (Source: 3/1/05)
To give you a better understanding of the NAD I'm
providing below a sample of a membership renewal confirmation email that
they sent me (minus personal information). [-- Bill Vicars]
5/23/2006 7:04:13 AM PST
Thank you for renewing your NAD membership. Please save this email or print
it out for your records.
Your profile information is included below:
Name: William Vicars
Address line 1:
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Your payment information:
Payment: 40.00
Donation: .00
Payment ID:
You will receive your new NAD membership card with your new expiration
date in the mail. Don't forget that your NAD memberhsip benefits include:
- One year subscription to the NADmag, a full-color magazine
distributed six times a year
- Discount on NAD Biennial Conference registration
- Access to the Members Only Area of the NAD website
Take full advantage of the NAD website -- use your username and password
to access the NAD Members Only Area at Take Action on issues that impact the deaf and
hard of hearing community at Visit the NAD website often to keep up with
news, issues, and NAD Conference details!
If you do not have a username and password for the NAD website, please
register now at:
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information online at:
Please contact me at:
Kelly K. Aziz
Nad Membership Department