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Deaf Community: "Relay Service"

Question:  What is a "Relay Service?"

Answer:  A relay service allows hearing people to call deaf people, and vice versa.

A communication  assistant (CA) answers your call then relay information back and forth between you and a deaf person who has a TTY or Video Phone VP (depending on which kind of relay service you use).

Question:  How do you find out if there is a relay system in your area and what the phone number is?

Answer:  Try looking in the front of your phone book under "Services for the Disabled" or "relay services." You could call your local phone company or the operator.  You might call your State Office of Services for the Deaf and ask them. If that doesn't work call your Public Service Commission. If that doesn't work then call the main number at the capitol. 

Perhaps the easiest method of all--if you know someone who is deaf--ask them, chances are they will know.


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