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First 100 Signs Test:

Below is a practice test.  If you get stuck, feel free to go back and review the signs tour.
The first part is numbered1 to 100.
Then there is a bonus section numbered  101 to 114.
The answers are provided via a link below.


Test:  numbers 1 - 100:

Instructions:  Fill in the blank with the name of the sign that is being described:

01.  The sign for “_____” is made by forming the number “3” with the right hand.  Touch your nose with the tip of your thumb.  Bend and unbend your first two fingers a few times.  Don’t bend the large knuckles, just the first two knuckles on the index and middle fingers.

02. Make the sign for "__________" by touching your forehead with the index finger of your right hand, palm back. (which also happens to be a version of the sign for THINK). Pull the hand away and a little bit down from the forehead.

03. The sign for "__________" is made by forming each hand into a flattened "O" shape. (The fingers are a little more straight then in a normal "O.") Place both hands in front of you, about 5 inches apart, facing each other. Bring your hands together, touching at the fingertips.

04. The sign for "__________" is made by holding out your left hand.  Palm pointing up and slightly to the right. Fingertips pointing forward and slightly to the right.  Move the tip of your right index finger downward across the left palm.  (Note: I don't teach this sign much any more.  Instead I use a general gesture. If you don't know this sign you need to review the alternate variations of the signs.)

05. The sign for "__________" is made by placing one or both index fingers under your eyes. Bring your fingers down over your cheeks a few times. The motion can be either alternating or simultaneous.

06. The sign for "__________" is made by closing both hands into "A" hands. Palms facing each other. Right hand palm down, left hand palm up. Rub the knuckles of both hands together. Use a circular motion. Many people move only the right hand.

07. The sign for "__________" is made by forming your right hand into the letter "W." Tap the front of your chin a couple of times with the tip of your index finger.

08. The sign for "__________" is made by forming the right hand into the letter "S." Open and close your hand, alternating between the letters "C" and "S."

09. The sign for "__________" is made by sliding your right hand, palm down, index finger extended (other fingers closed), across the left palm, (from the butt of the left hand toward the fingertips).

10. The sign for "__________" is made by bending both wrists and pointing both hands down. The handshape is a flattened "O," thumbs touching fingertips. Sweep the fingertips of both hands forward and away from then back toward your body a few times, pivoting at the wrist.

11. Make the sign for "____" by using the thumb of the right "A" hand to trace the jawbone from near your ear to your chin. Then hold your "B" hand out, palm down, as if showing the height. What is the sign?

12. Form each hand into a cupping shape. Hold your hands together, a few inches out from your chest or stomach, palms up, (or back), fingernails or middle knuckles on each hand touching. Then pull your hands apart (about 8 inches). Note: Some people start with the modified "C" or cupping hands then half way through the sign change into "A" handshapes. Both methods are fine. What is the sign?

13. The sign for "__________" is made by holding both open "B" hands (relaxed) out in front of you, thumbs extended, palms up, (some people curve the fingers slightly). Move both of them forward, to the sides, back, and into the middle again a couple of times using a circular motion. (Some people use a side to side motion instead of circular.)

14. The sign for "__________" is made by extending your left "B" hand horizontally in front of you, palm right, fingertips pointing forward. Strike your left palm with the knuckle of your crooked right index finger ("X" handshape), palm back, using a downward movement.

15.  The sign for “_________” is made by forming the letter “B” with your right hand.  Hold it in front of you and slightly to the right.  Fingertips pointing forward and/or angled upward a bit.  Twist/shape your hand back and forth a couple of times  using quick little rotating motions.  Note:  Some people move the hand a bit to the right as they twist/shake it. The movement is as if you are brushing crumbs off  a table with the pinkie side of your hand.

16. The sign for "__________" is made by pointing your left index finger up, palm right or slightly down. Place the tip of your right index finger on the tip of your left index finger. Move the tip of your right index finger in a clockwise motion around your left index finger once with the finger coming to rest again on the tip of the left index finger.

17. The sign for "__________" is made by placing the palm of your right "5" hand on your chest. Move your hand forward away from you a few inches while changing the handshape from a "5" to an "8," (or 9). ( The fingerprints of your  thumb and middle finger are together). Note: Some people use the thumb and index finger to make this sign instead of the thumb and middle.

18. The sign for "__________" is made by extending the index fingers of both hands. Bring the fingers toward each other several times using a jabbing motion. Some people use a twisting motion while bringing the fingers toward each other.

19. The sign for "__________" is made by forming your right hand into the letter "U." Brush the tips of your fingers on your chin in a downward motion. Repeat twice.

20. The sign for "__________" is made by cupping your right hand on top of your left hand. Now reverse the position of both hands.

21. The sign for "__________" is made by pointing upward with your left index finger. The palm of the left hand should face right. Place the right index finger, palm back, at the top of the left index finger. Slide the middle knuckle of right index finger down the thumb side of the left index finger.

22. The sign for "__________" is made by forming the letter "C" with the right hand and the letter "S" with the left. Place the right "C" hand on top of the back of your left hand.

23. Make the sign for "_____" by holding the right "B" hand out in front of you, palm down. Raise and lower the hand an inch or two a couple of times. You can change this sign to mean "CHILDREN" by sweeping the hand to the right while raising it up and down two or more times. What is the sign?

24. Start by forming the letter "D" on each hand. Hold both hands together with fingertips touching, (except the index fingers which are pointed upward), and palms facing each other. Move both hands outward and sideways so both palms face forward. (Some people just move the right hand sharply away from the left.) What is the sign?

25. You sign "__________" by extending your right "B" palm, thumb alongside the fingers. Hold the hand off to the right and up a bit with the palm facing left and a bit upward, with the fingertips pointing forward. Sweep the hand down and toward the body (the pinkie side of the hand slicing the air as it moves backwards toward you), ending palm up, near your body. Note: This sign can also mean: "HIRE,"__________"INVITE," and "INTRODUCE." Some people prefer this sign not be used in response to "Thank you." Instead they prefer to sign "TRUE,"--which can be interpreted as "SURE."

26. The sign for "__________" is made by clapping your hands. Repeat. The left hand is palm up and the right hand is palm down. Some people keep the left hand stationary and only move the right hand. (Note: Do this quietly.)

27. The sign for "________" is made by forming the letter "G" with your right hand. Twist/shake your hand back and forth a couple of times using quick little rotating motions . Note: Some people move the hand a bit to the right as they twist/shake it.

28. The sign for "__________" is made by holding up the right index finger, palm out. Waggle the finger tip back and forth a couple times. The movement is from the wrist. Make sure to use an appropriate facial expression.

29. Make the sign for "________" by placing the fingers of your right hand near or against your lips, (palm back). Bring your right hand down into the palm of your left hand.

30. The sign for "__________" is made by forming the right hand into the letter "T." With your palm facing away from you, hold your hand slightly out from your body at about chest height and either shake or twist the "T" handshape a couple times. (But do not circle it.)

31. The sign for "__________" is made by forming your right hand into the letter "C." Place your the tip of your thumb and your fingertips on your left palm. Lift (slightly), twist, and set down your right hand.

32. The sign for " - " is made by forming both hands into the letter "C" and holding them near each other, (palms down) in front of you. Then move your hands apart while changing both hands into "S" handshapes and then back into "C" handshapes a couple of times.

33. The sign for "__________" is made by forming both hands into the letter "S." Hold the right hand above the left hand. Circle the right hand completely around the left. The movement is forward, down, back, and up. The right hand should come to rest on top of the left.

34. Make the sign for "__________" by pointing both index fingers toward each other, (or slightly outward). Rotate both fingers around one another in an up-back-down-forward movement while moving the hands toward your body. Many people sign this with a single arcing movement instead of a rotating movement.

35. The sign for "_______" is made by first signing "male" as if you were grabbing a cap. Next, bring both index fingers together in front of you, pointing forward, palms down. Note: Another way to sign "_______" is to sign "male" then sign the word "right" by forming the right and left hands into index-finger handshapes, ("G" handshapes). Hold the right hand above the left hand then bring the pinky side of the right hand down onto the thumb side of the left hand, (the right "G" hand resting on top of the left "G" hand). Make sure to sign each part smoothly with no break in between. What is the sign?

36. Start by holding the right-hand arm in front of you, pointing forward, palm up, index finger pointing upward. Move your arm so that your index finger "draws" a small circle in the air about the size of a quarter. Note: The movement is in your shoulder and elbow, not in your wrist. What is the sign?

37. The sign for "__________" is made by forming both hands into the letter "H." Hold your right hand a couple of inches above the left. Lower your right hand--striking the middle finger of your right hand down on top of your left index finger. Then move both hands down and outward to the sides.

38 The sign for “_________” is made by forming the right hand into the letter “F” with the tip of the index finger and the tip of the thumb just slightly apart.  Place the index finger and thumb near your cheek just under and off to the right of your nose.  Move your hand to the right a couple of inches while bringing the tip of the index finger and the tip of the thumb together.

39.  The sign for “__________” is made by formingthe letter “Y” with your right hand.  Twist/shake your hand back and dorth a couple of times using quick little rotating motions.  Some people move the hand a bit to the right as they twist/shake it.

40. The sign for "__________" is made by touching your forehead with the fingertips of your right hand. While bringing your hand forward and down, change the shape into the letter "Y," (keep your palm facing you).

41. Make the sign for "__________" by placing the fingers of your right hand (palm back) against your lips or chin. Move your hand down and away with a twisting motion so that your palm is facing downward.

42. The sign for "__________" is made by placing the index finger of your right hand (pointing left, palm down) horizontally in front of your mouth. Move your hand horizontally back and forth a couple of times.

43. The sign for "__________" is made by forming your right hand into the letter "C." Move your hand down the middle of your chest toward your belly.

44. The sign for "__________" is made by placing the middle knuckle of an "X" handshape (or the thumb-tip of an "A" handshape) on your cheek. Twist your hand back and forth a couple times, pivoting on the knuckle.

45. The sign for "__________" is made by holding your right "B" hand close to the right temple or cheek with your palm facing left and fingertips pointing up. Move your hand forward in a slight up then down arcing motion, (as if slicing the air)

46. Make the sign for "__________" by pointing both index fingers toward each other, or palms forward. Move both hands away from your body using either an arching or an alternating- circular motion toward the desired place. Many people use a sweeping arc motion instead of a circular motion.

47. Make the sign for "____" by placing both index fingers side by side, palms down. What is the sign?

48. Start by bending both arms at the elbows. Then put your forearms together, horizontally, palms up, right arm on top. The right arm is pointing left and the left arm is pointing right. Then gently rock your arms from side to side. Note: Some people rock the arms up and down instead of side to side. What is the sign?

49.  The sign for “_______” is made by slapping the palm of your right “B” hand against your right leg a coule of times.  Note:  some people slap their leg once then snap their fingers once.  Others simply snap their fingers from a “D” to a “G” handshape.

50.  The sign for “_______” is made by placing the fingerprint pad of your right index finger on your lips then bending the index finger at the second and third knuckles while pulling the hand downward a couple of inches.  Another way to do this sign is to form the letter “R” with your right hand then stroke your lips using a short downward motion with the tip of the palm-back “R” handshape.

51. To sign " ______," form bent or curved "B" handshapes on both hands, palms down and/or slightly back. Place your hands together with the knuckles touching. (Looks kind of like McDonalds' Golden Arches.) Roll the hands forward until the "arches" are upside down--ending with your hands palm up in "cupping" handshapes. Note: Some people just roll one hand forward.

52. The sign for "__________" is made by crossing both hands over your heart. Your hands may be closed, (fists) or open, ("B" palms), but the palms should face toward you. Note: Some people cross at the wrists.

53. The sign for "__________" is made by holding a loosely opened "5" hand a couple of inches away from your face, palm back. While moving your hand downward toward your chin, bring your fingertips and thumbtip together. You don't touch your face.

54. The sign for "__________" is made by holding your right hand slightly in front of your chest, palm back and a bit down. Move your hand down to your waist using a slight outward arcing motion. Stop the motion with your little finger resting against your body near your belly or waist. Another way to do this sign is by using your index finger and thumb (of one or both hands) to grab the upper part of your shirt and tug it outward a few times.

55. The sign for "__________" is made by bringing the palms of both hands together. (Or the butt of the right hand on the palm of the left.) Right hand on top of left. Rotate your right hand back and forth a couple of times.

56. For the sign "__________" your right hand, palm back, fingers pointing up, makes a backward slapping motion toward or over your right shoulder. The hand ends up palm down, fingers pointing behind you.

57. The sign for "__________" is made by forming both hands in "s" handshapes. Move both hands as if controlling a steering wheel.

58.  Make the sign for "___" by first making the sign for "male" - grab the visor of a "cap" on your head between your thumb and fingers and move your hand forward an inch our two. Then show the height with a "B" hand, palm down. What is the sign?

59. The sign for "_____" is made by shaping the right hand to form the letter "U." Hold your hand close to your right temple. From the wrist, shake your hand slightly back and forth. Note: Instead of shaking the hand, some people use a very small circular motion (down, right, up, left,)

60. The sign for “______” is made by forming the letter ‘G” with your right hand.  Place your hand at the right side of or in front of your mouth, palm forward, index and thumb pointing forward.  Bring the index finger and thumb together twice.

61. The sign for “_____” is made by forming the letter “B” with your right hand; palm forward, fingers pointing up.  Slide the thumb-side of your right hand down the side of your right cheek.

62. The sign for "__________" is made by extending your left hand, palm upward. Sharply bring the pinky side of your open right hand down crosswise onto the left palm at a right angle.

63. The sign for "__________" is made by placing your flat right hand over your heart or over the center of your chest. Move your hand in a circular motion toward the left, down, right, and back up a couple of times.

64. The sign for "__________" is also the sign for "NICE." It is made by placing your left hand in front of you, palm up. Move the flat palm (or fingers) of your right hand across your left hand toward the fingertips.

65. The sign for "__________" is made by placing both of your hands in an open, relaxed position just below your waist, fingers pointing down, palms back. Bring both hands up to your waist. As your hands come up, bring your fingers together and touch them with your thumbs.

66. The sign for "__________" is made by forming your right hand into the letter "C." Move the hand to your mouth with a short arc as if taking a drink.

67. The sign for "__________" is made by placing both hands in front of you, palms up. Each hand should be bent at the knuckles with the fingers pointing upward. (Either that, or in a "Y" handshape.) Sharply drop both of your hands a couple inches.

68. Make the sign for "__________" by closing the fingers of the right hand into a flattened "O" handshape, (palm down). Form the left hand into a "C," (palm right). Stuff the right hand fingertips into the left "C" hand.

69. Make the sign for "______" by placing the thumb of your right hand against your forehead. Your hand should be open, and you may choose to wiggle your fingers slightly. Some people "jab" their forehead a couple times with the thumb of the "5" hand instead of wiggling the fingers. What is the sign?

70. The sign for "__________" is made by touching your chin with the thumb of your right hand. The right hand should be open in a "5" handshape. Now, move your hand forward using one or two small arches. (Some people make only one arch, others make two.) What is the sign?

71. The sign for “___” is made by forming the letter “U” (or H) with your right hand.  Place your thumb on (or slightly sabove and behind) your right temple, point the index and middle finger upward.  Flutter the index and middle finger forward a couple times.

72. The sign for "__________" is made by forming the letter "S" on the right hand and squeezing your right hand in front of your mouth several times, (alternating between the "S" handshape and a scrunched "C" or "O" handshape).

73. The sign for "__________" is made by forming the letter "L" with both of your hands in front of you, palms facing each other, index fingers pointed forward. Move both hands away from each other. Move your hands beyond the width of your body - the further the distance, the larger the word described.

74. The sign for "__________" is made by extending your left hand, palm up. Brush the fingertips of your right hand across the length of the left palm a couple of times--moving from the butt of the left palm toward the fingertips. The right hand is slightly bent at the knuckles.

75. The sign for "__________" is made by holding one or both of your hands horizontally in front of you. Your palms should face you, right hand a couple of inches above the left. Move your hands in a circular motion up, out, down, and back in again a couple times. The hands move in the same direction in a simultaneous fashion, not alternating.

76. The sign for "__________" is made by pointing both of your index fingers down. Rub the sides of the index fingers together a few times in a short, alternating, up and down motion.

77. Make the sign for "__________" by forming the letter "H" with the right hand, palm up (or slightly back). Hold your left hand in a cupped shape, palm-up. Lift the right hand from your left hand toward your mouth a few times as if eating soup.

78. The sign for "__________" is made by placing both of your open (5) hands in front of you. Each hand should face you, (or they can face somewhat palm up), with your fingers extended and spread. Shake with a twisting motion both hands quickly (either once or) a couple of times with an outward twisting motion ending with the palms facing somewhat outward and/or a little downward.

79. Make the sign for "__________" by closing the fingers of the right hand into a flattened "O" shape, point the fingertips down. Wrap the fingers and thumb of the left hand around the flattened "O" of the right hand. The left hand should resemble the letter "C." Pull the right hand up and out of the left "C" hand.

80. Make the sign for "______" by placing the thumb of your right "5" hand against your chin. Some people wiggle the fingers a little. Other people just "jab" their chin twice. What is the sign?

81. The sign for "__________" is made by holding your right "A" hand near your right cheek. Then twist or shake your hand slightly. Note: Instead of twisting or shaking the hand, some people use a very small, repeated, circular motion, (down, right, up, left,).

82. The sign for “____” is made by forming the right hand into a “Y” handshape.  Place your thumb against or a little higher than your temples.  Twist your hand so that your pinkie points upward.  Twist the hand forward an inch or two then upward again. (Can be done with two hands for storytelling).

83. Make the sign for “____” by placing the tip of your right index finger or middle finger on your earlobe.  As you move your hand away from your ear form the letter “Y” and twist/shake it slightly.  Some people do this sign with a “G” handshape.

84. "__________" is signed by holding up the left "B" palm, fingertips pointing up. Place your right index finger (pointing up) alongside the palm of your left hand, then move the finger upward a couple of inches. Note: Another way to do this sign is to use the bent, right "B" hand to indicate the height of a person. Think of placing your hand on top of a tall person's head.

85. The sign for "__________" is made by touching your lips with the fingertips of your right "B" hand, (or both hands if you are especially thankful). Move your hand away from your face, ending with the palm upward.

86. The sign for "__________" is made by forming "claw" hands and placing your fingertips against your stomach, (or your chest). Pull both hands forcefully up and outward. Make sure you use an appropriate facial expression!

87. The sign for "__________" is made by closing both hands into "S" hands, thumb-sides facing, knuckles to the front, palms down. Strike your hands together a couple times.

88. Make the sign for "__________" by forming your right hand into the letter "V." Turn your left palm upward. Jab the fingertips of the right "V" hand into your left palm a few times.

89. Make the sign for "__________" by forming the letter "C" (loosely) with the right hand. Place your thumb and fingertips in front of your slightly opened mouth. Quickly twist your hand out (palm turning somewhat forward) and down.

90. The sign for "__________" is made by forming the letter "a" with each hand. Place both your hands together, palms facing each other, knuckles facing forward, thumb-sides facing up.

91. The sign for "__________" is made by touching the fingertips and thumb of the right hand (similar to a flattened "O" handshape) on the cheek near the mouth. Then move (jump) your hand an inch or so backward to a point on the cheek closer to your ear.

92. The sign for "__________" is made by touching your forehead with the thumb of your right hand. The right hand should be open in a "5" handshape. Now, move your hand forward in one or two small arches. Some people make only one arch, others make two. What is the sign?

93.  The sign for “_____” is made by forming the letter “V” with your right hand.  Your left forearm is extended with your hand closed (or open, either is fine).  Put your right hand near the left wrist and move it up your forearm while opening and closing your “V” handshape in a “scissors like motion as if cutting the hair on your arm.

94. Make the sign for “______” by placing the tip of your right index finger (or middle finger) on your right ear.  As you move your hand away from yourear, form the letter “S” and twist/shake it slightly.

95. The sign for "__________" is made by holding out the left "S" hand, palm right, thumb side up. Hold your right hand in a "B" shape, palm down, a few inches farther away and slightly above the left "S" hand. Bring the right "B" palm backward toward you brushing it over the top (thumb side) of your left fist.

96. The sign for "__________" is made by closing one of your hands into a fist, (either is fine, I tend to place my left "A" hand on my right palm). Then place your fist on the outstretched palm of your other hand. Raise both hands together a couple of inches.

97. The sign for "__________" is made by placing both hands in front of your face, palms in, fingers slightly spread and relaxed or curved very slightly. Bring both of your hands down the length of your face. Note: You don't actually touch your face.

98. The sign for "__________" is made by forming both hands into the letter "a." With the thumb side pointing upward, place both hands near your shoulders (or at the base of your neck) an inch or two out from the body. Now move both hands downward and together, coming to rest on your lower belly.

99. The sign for "__________" is made by forming your right hand into the letter "C." Place your right hand on your upturned left palm. Some people bounce the right hand slightly one time.

100. Make the sign for "________" by forming both hands into the letter "S." Hold both hands in front of you and shake them back and forth quickly.

Bonus Questions !!!  (101 - 114)

101. The sign for "__________" is made by forming the letter "P" with your right hand. Sketch the letter "Z" in the air with the "P" handshape.

102. The sign for "__________" is made by holding your left arm out in front of you, bent at the elbow, hand pointing to the right. The left hand can be either "B,"__________"D," palm up, or palm down, (Relax--this one is flexible.) Rest your right elbow on your left hand. Your right hand should point up, (it can also be either a "B," or a "D"). Move your right hand down and to the left until it comes to rest on your left forearm near the elbow. (The right elbow stays on the left hand.)

103. The sign for "__________" is made by shaping both hands into fists, (the letter "S" or "A."), palms down, right hand above left. Tap the back (or thumb side) of your left hand a few times with your right hand in a downward striking motion.

104. The sign for "______" is made by first touching your cheek with the thumb of your right "A" hand. Next, bring both index fingers together in front of you, pointing forward, palms down. Note: Another way to sign "______" is to sign "female" then sign the word "right" by forming the right and left hands into index-finger handshapes, (or "G" handshapes). Hold the right hand above the left hand then bring the pinkie side of the right hand down onto the thumb side of the left hand, (the right "G" hand resting on top of the left "G" hand). Make sure to sign each part smoothly with no break in between. What is the sign?

105.  Make the sign "_______" by making a right "flat hand" (looks like a "b" handshape but with the thumb alongside the fingers instead of bent across the palm). Place the right "flat hand" under your chin with the palm facing down and the fingertips pointing to your left.  Bend and unbend your hand several times from the large knuckles.  The fingers stay together while bending and unbending.
That is the sign.  There is also a "joke" sign for this concept: Make a right "V" handshape.  Bend  the index and middle fingers of your right "V" handshape at the second and third knuckles.  Then using the tips of the index and middle fingers, make one quick motion to poke two imaginary breathing holes in an imaginary snout on your face.

106. Make the sign for "__________" by extending your left hand, palm to the right or slightly back, fingertips pointing forward. Grab your left fingers between the palm and fingers of your right hand. Pull your right hand forward away from your left hand a few times. The right handshape is that of an "A," palm left (or it can be palm down). During the first part of the sign, the tips of the left fingers are tucked into the "A." When the right hand moves forward, it slides off of the left hand's fingers. The left hand stays stationary.

107. The sign for "__________" is made by placing your left hand palm down, fingertips pointing forward. Put the tip of your right bent middle finger on the back of your left hand near your wrist. (The other fingers of the right hand are relatively straight and somewhat separated.) Slide your right middle fingertip forward a few inches along the back of the left hand (moving from near the wrist toward the knuckles.)

108. The sign for "__________" is made by placing your right index finger in front of your lips, palm back. Draw a circle in the air around your lips a couple of times. Alternate Method: Place the thumb on the chin and "flutter" the right index finger in front of the lips.

109. The sign for "__________" is made by forming either an "A" or an "S" with your right hand. Circle your hand over your heart using a few clockwise motions, (up, left, down, right..etc.) Note: Some people do this sign touching the chest, others hold it a little bit out from the chest.

110. The sign for "__________" is made by using the index finger and thumb of each hand to trace the outline of your underwear. Your palms face backward. Your hand shape changes from an upside down "L" to an upside down closed "G."

111. The sign for "________" is made by forming your right hand into the letter "x." Place your right hand - palm down - at the right corner of your mouth. While moving your hand to the left corner of your mouth, alternate between the letter "x" and your straight index finger a couple of times.

112. The sign for "__________" is made by holding your left arm horizontally, palm down and pointing right. Put your right wrist on the back of your left hand. Point the fingertips of your right hand downward.

113. For the sign "________" the right hand clasps the left hand. What is the sign?

114. The sign for "__________" is made by clapping your hands. Repeat. The left hand is palm up and the right hand is palm down.  Most people keep the left hand stationary and only move the right hand. (Note: No need to make noise. They are Deaf.)

(Answers for Part 1:  #s 1-100)

(Answers for Part 2:  #s 101-114)

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