Also see:
Dear Lifeprint visitors.
I have removed some of the articles that were previously posted to this
Why? Because it is my goal to be reflective of Deaf Culture
throughout this website and some of the previously posted articles
were not in keeping with my standards for quality. I may at
some point re-post some of the articles and/or new articles, but for
now let me share this bit of information that was sent to me by an
associate. (See below.)
-- Dr. Bill
"What Hearing people who work with the Deaf
think of music is not
what we Deaf think.
We value eyes, hands, motion, and rhythm!
These things are the basic elements of communication, language, and
art in Deaf culture.
Voices, instruments, and sound are NOT very important in our
Our world is a rich, visual world!
It is true that many hard of hearing people love music.
Very few people who are "stone Deaf" enjoy music."
- submitted by a 5th generation native Deaf Adult
I will provide for you (below) some references to various "music
and the Deaf" articles, but I would like to caution you to consider
"the source" of any information you read and whether that source is
a "Hearing person," a "Hard of Hearing person," or a "d/Deaf person
(culturally and physically Deaf person)."
-- Dr. Bill
"D-PAN: Deaf Performing Artists Network - About Us." D-PAN: Deaf
Performing Artists Network. 6 Apr. 2009
Lapiak, Jolanta. "Gallaudet Bison Song." American Sign Language -
ASL. 4 Apr. 2009
Ell, Kellie. "Deaf Nation Celebrates Life." Oakland Tribune. 2005
Nov 12
Gray, Eileen. "Evelyn Glennie." London Independent. 2007 March 27.
Petit, Bruno. "Music for Deaf Persons." Disability World. No 20
Sep-Oct 2003.
Science Daily. "Brains of Deaf People Re-wire to ’Here’ Music." 2001
Nov 28.
Brown, Kristi, Denney, LeAnne. (1997, April 4). Music Use in
Elementary and Middle School Classrooms for the Deaf.
Retrieved April 2009 from
Hash, Philip. (2003, September). Teaching Instrumental Music to Deaf
and Hard of Hearing Students. Retrieved April 2009 from
Javin, Val. (2009, January 30). Youngsters Who Love the Challenge of
Making Music. Retrieved April 2009 from;col1
Unknown. (2005, October 25). Speaker Helps Deaf to ‘Feel’ Music. Retrieved April 2009 from
Darrow, Alice-Ann. "Teaching Students with Hearing Losses." Winter
2007. Academic Search Premier. Ebsco. California State University,
Sacramento Library, Sacramento. 4 Apr. 2009 .
Darrow, Alice-Ann. "The Role of Music in Deaf Culture: Implications
for Music Educators." Spring 1993. JSTOR. California State
University, Sacrameno Library, Sacramento. 4 Apr. 2009 .
May, Elizabeth. "Music for Deaf Children." Jan. 1961. JSTOR.
California State University, Sacramento Library, Sacramento. 5 Apr.
2009 .
Weistein, Karen. (15 December 2002). Big River- The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn (adapted from Mark Twain). Retrieved 5 April 2009 from
University Of Washington (2001, November 28). Brains Of Deaf
People Rewire To "Hear" Music. Science Daily. Retrieved April 5,
2009, from <<>.
BBC News. (26 October 2005). Speaker allows deaf people to feel
music. BBC Retrieved 5 April, 2009 from <>.
4.) - Shawn Dale Barnett
Berke, J. (2007). Deaf and Music. Retrieved November 25, 2008, from
CNN (2005). Speaker Helps Deaf to “Feel” Music. Retrieved November
25, 2008, from
Darrow, A. (2006). The Role of Music in Deaf Culture. Retrieved
November 25, 2008,
Deister, K. (2008). Deafness and Music. Retrieved November 25, 2008,
Kokette, S. (2008). Hearing Students, Sign Language, and Music.
Retrieved November
25, 2008, from,%20SIGN%
Spitzer, M. (1984). A Survey of The Use of Music in Schools For The
Hearing Impaired.
Retrieved November 25, 2008, from
Gill-Doleac, S. & Hottendorf, D. (2005). Dance techniques for
deaf and hear of hearing dancers. Dancer Magazine. 42-45.
Hash, P.M. (2003). Teaching instrumental music to deaf and hard of
hearing students. Research and Issues in Music. 1(1).
Looseleaf, V. (2008, Oct.). To their own music; dancers who are
deaf—defying the odds. Dance Magazine. Gale, Cengage Learning.
Retrieved 21, Nov. 2008:
Bower, Michael. "Ludwig van Beethoven." EUSD - Home Page. 15 Feb.
2002. 04 Apr. 2009 <>.
Glennie, Evelyn. "The Hearing Essay." Dame Evelyn Glennie,
Motivational Speaker, Media Composer, Jewellery Designer. 01 Apr.
2009. 04 Apr. 2009 <>.
Vicars, William. (2001, Jan. 4). Nonlinguistic communication. ASL
University Library. Lifeprint Institute. Retrieved 12, Feb. 2001:
Whittaker, Paul. "Music and the Deaf." Welcome to Music and the Deaf
- Est 1988. 04 Apr. 2009 <>.