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The National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Also see: NTID History

By Leah Lentz
April 6, 2009

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Have you ever wondered where do deaf or hard-of-hearing people go for their higher education? One of the most popular options is the Rochester Institute of Technology, which plays host to the federally funded National Technical Institute for the Deaf.

The National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) was created 40 years ago by the federal government so that there would be more options for young deaf people to pursue technologically-focused careers (Findarticles, 2007). At the institute there are approximately 1,100 deaf and hard-of-hearing students who cohabitate with 14,000 hearing students.

At the institute students are able to forget past education experiences that may have left them wanting more. In a study done by Susan Foster PhD, fifteen first year students at NTID were interviewed and concluded that the “lack of basic support” (Foster, 1987) in high school left them with not so fond memories. Fortunately, at NTID students are able to attend classes with not only others like themselves, but hearing members of the college as well. I am very glad to have found this out because the institute really gives deaf and hard-of-hearing students a chance to interact and have a postitive experience with the hearing community and their own education. I myself had a class with a deaf student in junior high school and she had an interperter, but I remember that she was never really included in class discussions. I think it is a great thing to have an institute like NTID where deaf and hard-of-hearing people can enjoy their academic success together. Students also finally have the chance to establish who they are and really become involved with their school and what it is they want to be known for.

Many deaf and hard-of-hearing students never complete their baccalaureate programs due largely to the inability to decide on a major course of study (Lang, 2002). There are other factors involved as well, but students are fortunate to have an institute like NTID where there are many options as to what major they decide on. The institute is, of course, already associated with technology and this fact alone helps students with their decision making. So an institute such as NTID not only allows students to pursue an education, but allows students to pursue one in the ever-evolving technical world.

Foster, Susan. (1987). Life in the mainstream: reflections of deaf college freshman on their experience in the mainstreamed high school. 1-23.

Lang, Harry G. (2002). Higher education for deaf students: research priorities in the new millennium. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 7. 2-6.

Unknown,” National Technical Institute for the deaf: a college of the Rochester Institute of Technology”. Exceptional Parent, The. 06 Apr, 2009.


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