What is a proctor?
A proctor is someone who will watch you take the test and make sure you don't cheat.
How to choose a
proctor for your final exam:
It is important to choose a proctor that is "defensible." What does that mean? It means you want a proctor that no one can accuse of being willing to let
you cheat on a test.
Sample List of
Acceptable Proctors:
Certified librarians (school or public)
Clergy able to be identified with a specific temple, synagogue, mosque, or
College or university administrators and instructors
Officers of a corporation, correctional facility, or military installation,
Graduate teaching assistants
Testing Centers
School administrators, teachers or counselors
Work supervisor or administrator
Parent (*If you are under 18 and in a "home-school" program you can use the
parent or legal guardian who is responsible for homeschooling you. If you are a
college student using a parent is "okay" but not quite as good as the above
Sample List of Unacceptable Proctors:
Co-workers at the same level as you, employees, friends, peers, fellow students, or pets.
of a good ASLU Proctor:
Choose someone who is good with technology, has a high speed internet
connection, and a computer capable of playing videos in "Flash" format.
They need to be willing to keep an eye on you for about a half-hour or so and
then copy and paste your answers into an email that they will send to your instructor.
Instructions that your online instructor will send to your local Proctor:
Dear Proctor,
Thank you for being willing to proctor the final exam for (STUDENT NAME GOES
Below are the instructions for taking and proctoring the receptive exam.
Here is the link to the test (via streaming video download) for Level 1: (LINK
1. Copy and paste the address into an Internet browser. Do this ahead of time
and let the video load completely.
2. Adjust the size of the browser window, and open a word processing document
(any common format will do: .doc, .rtf, .txt, etc.) and save it using the student's
last and first name.
3. Have the student watch the
video and type his/her translations into the document. The student types what is
being signed by the person on the video.
4. The student is welcome to replay the video, to see signing again and/or to
check his answers - so long as the test is completed in one sitting. This test
should not take longer than 30 minutes, one hour at the very most.
5. The student is not permitted to look up the signs in a dictionary, or surf
elsewhere on the net. That said, only two windows should be
open - the video and the answer sheet.
6. When the testing is completed, have the student save and close the
7. If the student has Microsoft Word, Works, or Notepad, the document can be
sent as an email attachment. Or if it is easier, just copy and paste the
student's answers into the body of an email and send it me at (ONLINE
Thank you!