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Lesson 3: Readings Quiz

Note: Check your local instructor's syllabus for any graded quizzes. This is just a brief readings quiz. Also see: PRACTICE QUIZZES


Instructions:  Choose the single most correct response:

1.  What type of sentence is it when you sign with the eyebrows squeezed somewhat together and the head slightly tilted forward?
a. "whq" or a "Wh"-question
b.  "q" or a "YES/NO" question
c.  declarative statement
d. "if" - a conditional sentence

2.  What type of question are you asking when you sign a sentence with the eyebrows raised a bit and the head slightly tilted forward?  (Just a simple sentence, not two clauses joined together).
a. "whq" or a "Wh"-question
b.  "q" or a "YES/NO" question
c.  declarative statement
d. "if" - a conditional sentence

3.  What type of sentences should be accompanied by head nodding?
a. "FOR ME" sentences
b. Sentences without "BE" verbs
c. Simple affirmative sentences
d. Questions which ask for a "yes" or "no" answer

4.  What type of sentences should be accompanied by head shaking?
a. "YOU MIND" sentences
b. Sentences about hearing people
c. Questions which ask for a "yes" or "no" answer
d. Simple negative sentences

5.  The sign DEAF
a.  Is socially incorrect
b.  Is culturally incorrect
c.  Is synonymous with "hearing impaired"
d.  Is socially and culturally correct

6.  Which of the following sentence structures are acceptable in ASL?
a.  I FROM U-T-A-H
b.  FROM U-T-A-H I
c.  I FROM U-T-A-H I
d.  all of the above

7.  The sentence "Where-FROM YOU?"
a.  asks where you are originally from
b.  Is considered rude in the Deaf Community
c.  Asks where you are currently living
d. Is generally signed as "WHERE LIVE YOU?"

8.  The sign "HERE"
a. Can be done by pointing your index fingers at the ground and using a slight double jabbing movement as you point.
b.  Can be signed by holding both flat, loose, "b-hands," thumbs alongside or slightly extended, palms-up in front of your torso and moving them with a slight side to side motion.
c.  both "a" and "b" are correct
d.  neither "a" nor "b" is correct

9. How should I ask where a certain book is?
d.  All three methods are fine as long as you use appropriate facial expressions when signing.

10. TRUE OR FALSE:  ASL sentences tend to be structured as "subject" + "predicate."





1.  a. "whq" or a "Wh"-question
2.  b.  "q" or a "YES/NO" question
3.  c. Simple affirmative sentences
4.  d. Simple negative sentences
5. d.  Is socially and culturally correct
6. d.  all of the above
7.  a.  asks where you are originally from
8.  c.  both "a" and "b" are correct
9. d.  "a," "b," and "c," are all correct as long as you incorporate an appropriate "whq" facial expression.  If you use method "C" you should start with a Y/N facial expression and then change to a "WHQ" facial expression.
10. TRUE

Note: There are those who will tell you that "WH"-type questions should always come at the end.
But in real life that simply isn't the case. For more information regarding ASL grammar, see:  Topicalization.

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