Discussion topic:
Mainstreaming I am able to recognize and
sign the practice sentences and story for this lesson
I have taken the
Lesson 17
Vocabulary Practice Quiz I have taken the general practice quiz
for this lesson. See:
Note: "CAT+UP"
("catsup") -- is a joke sign for "ketchup." It started in the Deaf schools
and spread throughout the Deaf community. Thus one of the signs for ketchup
is indeed "CAT+UP." Of course, lots of people just mime "hitting the
bottom of an upturned bottle" to mean ketchup but I think it is good for
students to see "real life" signing as done in the Deaf world -- and that
includes the puns.
Note: "Mainstreaming" is the practice of placing deaf children (note: the
word "deaf" lower case, refers to physically deaf children--not necessarily
children who are culturally Deaf) into the
"mainstream" of public schools instead of placing them into residential
schools for the Deaf or other special programs. Many culturally Deaf
individuals oppose mainstreaming because even though the deaf child is
surrounded by other students he or she may actually end up feeling isolated
and alone due to communication barriers.
Things to know:
* There was a law passed called the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA).
* This law (IDEA) requires states to provide a free appropriate public
education (FAPE) to students with disabilities.
* The IDEA contains rules that require states to educate
students with disabilities in the "Least Restrictive Environment. (LRE)"
* Many "Hearing" people feel that the least restrictive environment is
in a mainstream public school.
* Most culturally Deaf people feel that the least restrictive
environment is in a residential school for the Deaf.
Note: "LRE"
The Least restrictive Environment provisions of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): "...to the maximum extent appropriate,
children with disabilities, including children in public or private
institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are
not disabled, and that special classes, separate schooling, or other removal
of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment
occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that
education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services
cannot be achieved satisfactorily." (20 U. S. C. §1412 (5) (B). Also see 34
CFR §§300.550-300.556.)
For a practice quiz,
visit: Lesson
17 Practice Quiz
Check with your instructor or your syllabus regarding any graded
quizzes for this lesson.
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Curriculum revision notes and lesson archive:
In a never ending effort to improve, this website is under constant
Below are sentences and or signs which are being phased out
of this lesson as well as other material that may be phased into the lesson.
REMOVE: YOU BEFORE MOVIE EAT PICKLE? (Have you ever eaten a pickle at the
Note: When I was a little boy I remember movie theaters selling great big
pickles. They didn't cost too much and you could make one last a long
time during the movie. But not many theaters seem to sell pickles any
more. So I'm phasing out this sentence.