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Lesson 15:

___ Discussion topic: 
Review and discuss: TALK-WITH [INTERVIEW]
___ Discussion topic:  Classifier: 1
___ Discussion topic:  SELF  
___ I am able to recognize and sign the practice sentences and story for this lesson
___ I have taken the Lesson 15 Quiz
___ I have taken the general practice quiz for this lesson.  See: PRACTICE QUIZZES
___ I am done with Lesson 15

MAJOR-[profession, main, line of work]
POLICE-[cop, sheriff]
NEWSPAPER-[print, publish]
SELF-[think-self, myself, yourself, himself, themselves, who-is, his-own, your-own]
WAITER/WAITRESS-[serve, servant]

Review and discuss: TALK-WITH, HOW-MUCH

Practice sheet 15.A
01. YOUR MAJOR WHAT?  (What are you majoring in?)
02. YOUR TEACHER HAVE AIDE?  (Does you teacher have an aide?)
03. YOU USE BABYSITTER?  (Do you use a babysitter?)
04. YOUR BOSS NAME?  (What is your boss's name?)
05. YOU LIKE COOK?  (Do you like to cook?)

Practice sheet 15.B
06. YOUR GRANDPA FARMER?  (Is your grandpa a farmer? / Was your grandpa a farmer?)
07. PAST-[long-ago] YOURSELF LITTLE-GIRL/BOY WANT GROW-UP FUTURE DO-what?  (When you were a little girl/boy what did you want to be?)
08. SUPPOSE YOUR DAD DIVORCE, MARRY NEW WOMAN, SHE YOUR WHAT? (If your dad were divorced and re-married, what relationship would the new wife be to you?)
09. YOUR FAMILY ANY LIBRARY+PERSON? (Is anyone in your family a librarian?)
10. YOUR NEIGHBOR NAME, WHAT? (What is your neighbor's name?)

Practice sheet 15.C
11. PICTURE YOUR FAMILY YOU HAVE?  (Do you have a picture of your family?)
12. U-S, PRESIDENT, WHO?  (Who is president of the United States?)
13. STEPFATHER, what-MEANING?  (What does the sign "stepfather" mean?)
14. BROTHER-IN-LAW YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY? (How-many brothers-in-law do you have?)
15. WAITRESS, YOU SHOULD TIP HOW-MUCH? (How much should you tip a waitress?)

Practice sheet 15.D
16. NEWSPAPER, YOU LIKE READ? (Do you like to read the newspaper?)
17. COMPUTER PROGRAM YOU USE, WHICH? (Which computer program or programs do you use?)
18. YOU WISH YOURSELF HAVE SECRETARY (Do you wish you had your own secretary?)
19. HOW SIGN S-C-I-E-N-T-I-S-T? (What is the sign for "scientist?")
20. POLICE he/she-HELP-you BEFORE HOW?  (How have you been helped by a police officer?)

Story 15

MY STEPFATHER PRESIDENT HIMSELF COMPANY-(#C-O) SMALL, SELL COMPUTER PROGRAM. MOM HERSELF-(sign toward the left side) PROGRAMMER. SHE-(mom) WRITE. HE-(dad) SELL. THEY-TWO WORK TOGETHER SEVEN-YEARS, GOOD! I TWO BROTHER, ONE STEP-SISTER  ("THIS ONE"- tap the tip of the non-dominant palm-back, sideways four-hand index finger) BROTHER, FIREMAN. ("THIS ONE"- tap the tip of the non-dominant four hand middle finger), BROTHER, POLICEMAN. (This one: ME (Tap the tip of the left ring finger on the left "four hand" held horizontally) ME SCIENTIST. ("THIS ONE"-tap the tip of the non-dominant four hand pinkie finger) STEP-SISTER LIBRARIAN.

My stepdad is the president of his own small company that sells computer programs.  Mom is a programmer. She writes. He sells.  The two of them have worked together for 7 years. Good eh!  I have two brothers and one step-sister.  The first of four children, my oldest brother, is a fireman.  The second born (my other brother) is a cop.  I'm the third oldest and I'm a scientist.  My younger step-sister is a librarian.


Consider the sentence: "YOUR BOSS NAME?"
In English this might be translated as, "What is your boss's name?"

This sentence requires an answer beyond “yes/no.” It requires a “name.” since it is not a “yes no” question it is therefore a wh question because it implies the “WH” as in “What” is your bosses name? Even though we don’t sign the “What” explicitly, it is there in our facial expression. The facial expression for a "Wh" question is to furrow your eyebrows a bit. (In thinking of a way to describe the facial grammar for "Wh questions" I would compare it to what a person looks like when he or she is trying to get a better look at something. Their head actually moves forward on the neck about an inch and they squint their eyes a bit.)

The sentence: "YOU LIKE COOK?"
Do you like to cook?
This sentence requires a "yes/no" answer. The concept of "do" is not "signed" but is expressed via facial expressions as raised eyebrows. The head tilts forward just a tad.


Signing notes:  The sign "print" can be used to mean, "print your name."  When done with a double movement it can mean newspaper or "computer printer."
If you are talking about a person who works as a printer you should add the "agent" sign to print, (PRINT-AGENT).

Cultural note:  If two deaf people chatting in the hall and you need get through--just walk through DON’T hesitate at all.  If you slow down or hesitate it will be more distracting than if you just keep going.  Of course, use common sense, if the passageway is narrow you might need to slow down just to avoid tripping, but the point is that you don't become a distraction.  You don't need to sign "excuse me."  Don't duck.  Just walk through at a steady pace.

Review and discuss: TALK-WITH [INTERVIEW]
Classifier: 1
Name Signs

For a practice quiz, visit:  Lesson 15 Practice Quiz
Check with your instructor or your syllabus regarding any graded quizzes for this lesson.


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End of lesson.  Please move on to the next lesson.

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Below are sentences and or signs which are being phased out of this lesson as well as other material that may be phased into the lesson.