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Lesson 9: Readings Quiz:

Note: Check your local instructor's syllabus for any graded quizzes. This is just a brief readings quiz. Also see: PRACTICE QUIZZES


1. What is this sign? 
Note:  This sign is a variation. Some people might consider it an "English" version.  I'm going to mention though that there is a difference between "initialized" signs and "Signed English."  Sure, this sign is initialized, but just because a sign is initialized doesn't automatically mean it is not ASL.  I can easily name a hundred "initialized" ASL signs that are well acceptedPersonally I tend to use the "index" finger version of the sign below. Or I do the version that also means "alone" or "something." Regardless, of the "debate" it is worth knowing the variations since it helps to expand the range of people with whom you can converse and/or interpret for (if you are studying to be an interpreter).  I'm not recommending you "do" this version, only that you are able to "recognize" this version. Do the version that your local teacher and/or Deaf people do. If you don't recognize this version, you are not studying deeply enough.)



'2. What is this sign? (double tapping movement)


3. What is this sign?
name1.jpg (7089 bytes)name2.jpg (6992 bytes)name1.jpg (7089 bytes)name2.jpg (6992 bytes)
Note: Uses a double motion in general, but is also done with just a single downward motion of the dominant hand.  The non-dominant hand stays put.

4. What is this sign?
The handshape is "flat" not bent. The hand is "flat" and uses a "double patting motion."  

(The answer I'm looking for is not "SHORT" even though the sign is rather similar to "short" which uses a single movement and a bent hand.)

 5. What is this sign? (This signed concept requires more than one English word to describe it)

Note:  The direction and movement of this sign are IMPORTANT to the right answer.

6. What is this sign?

Note:  Use a double motion.  The large knuckles of the right hand are slightly "bent."  The fingertips of the right hand brush twice across the middle of the upturned left hand from the butt of the hand to the fingertips.  Generally uses a double motion, but can use a single motion to inflect the meaning of the sign.  Note:  The answer is NOT "clean" and it is NOT "clean-up," nor any other version of "clean."  Nor is it "NICE."
If you do it with a single motion it changes the meaning somewhat.

7. What is this sign?
This is a "variation." The preferred version uses a "bent hand" for the dominant hand. (But I want you to know the variations too.)

Note:  uses a slight double motion.  "Taps" the wrist twice.  This sign can be done with a bent-hand (mutated from a former "M"-hand long ago) instead of the "D."  The non-dominant hand can be a palm-up flat-hand or just a relaxed hand.  

8.  What is this sign?

9.  What is this sign?  The handshape is "C" hands.  They start in the middle and move to the side a couple of inches. (It is a single movement.)

The sign "THERE"
a.  Is made in the approximate direction of the place or thing you are talking about when you cannot see it
b.  Points at the specific place or object if it is in view
c.  The signer glances at the object or place while pointing at it if it is in view
d.  all of the above


Answers to the practice quiz: 
1. single
2. if /suppose
3. name
4. child
5. ask-to
6.  excuse
7. doctor 
8. garbage
9.  couch 
10.  "d. all of the above"

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