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American Sign Language:  Simultaneous Communication (simcom)


Why can't you speak English and sign ASL at the same time?
By Donald Grushkin, Ph.D.

The brain cannot process two separate tasks simultaneously. Ask a person to write a sentence in one language (the more non-related to English, the better) while speaking the same sentence in another language SIMULTANEOUSLY.

He won't be able to do it -- not simultaneously, and not perfectly -- there will be a breakdown in one act/language or the other.

The structures of the two languages are not entirely congruent.
For example, compare French and English:

French: Il fait chaud: "It makes hot"
English: It is hot.

Spanish: Esta casa rojo es de mi tio. (That house red is of my uncle)
English: That red house is my uncle's.

How is one supposed to simultaneously handle two very different structures?

Finally, when one tries to speak English while signing ASL, what will happen is that the English (which is dominant/native in the Hearing person) will "take over" and what the hands produce will not be, and cannot be, grammatically correct ASL. To try to simcom is disrespectful to ASL as a language in its own right, since Deaf people will NOT see true "ASL" on the hands
when simcomming is occurring.


Permission to use granted via personal correspondence: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 9:26 PM: 
Subject: Re: Why can't you speak English and sign ASL at the same time?
Reference: (Grushkin, D. 2011,

Also see: Sign-Supported-Speech
Also see: Simcom

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