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"American Sign Language 3" Syllabus (ASLU)
Course description:
Level 3 of the ASL University course series. Students continue learning American Sign Language, vocabulary, sentences, grammar, history, fingerspelling, numbers, terminology, and Deaf culture.Instructor:
"Dr. Bill" (William G. Vicars, Ed.D.) [Contact Information]
Turn in at least ONE assignment per week to be considered "progressing."
Turn in everything at least 2 weeks prior to when you need your course documentation.
Choose your own due dates to match your local school schedule or other needs.
Important link:
[That takes you to the Level 3 instructional videos.]
Another Important link:
[That takes you to the Level 3 quiz videos.]
Pick your own due dates
and submit your quiz answers via
Lesson 31 Quiz:
Quiz 32
Note: Video skips #31
Answer is "interesting"20
Lesson 32 Quiz:
Lesson 33 Quiz:
Lesson 34 Quiz:
Lesson 35 Quiz:
Unit 7 Test:
Lesson 36 Quiz:
Lesson 37 Quiz:
Lesson 38 Quiz:
Lesson 39 Quiz:
Lesson 40 Quiz:
Unit 8 Test: 20
Lesson 41 Quiz:
Lesson 42 Quiz:
Lesson 43 Quiz:
Lesson 44 Quiz:
Lesson 45 Quiz:
Unit 9 Test:
Email to your instructor
Send a link to your instructor
Final Exam
Take with proctor (see instructions)
How to get an "A":
1. Go through lessons 31 through 45 at Click on each vocabulary link and sentence link in each lesson.
2. Watch the instructional video for each lesson (the videos where I'm sitting at a table with a student and teaching the student one-on-one)
Or go to and click on the "Level 3" playlist.
3. Watch the "official" quiz video for each lesson and type out your answers:
Quiz videos: 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45
Unit Test 7:
Unit Test 8:
Unit Test 9:
*Note: On quiz 32 the video skips question #31 -- the right answer is "interesting."
4. Submit your quiz answers at [after you have clicked on the special link in your Welcome email that automatically puts you into the course. You receive that link in your "Welcome" email after you have submitted your tuition and registration information.]
5. Do your video project, upload it to and email me the link AFTER having a friend verify that the link works: INSTRUCTIONS If you don't want to upload it to youtube you can instead send it to me via email. Google "Send large files by email" and use one of the free trials available online that let you send massive files via an email link.
6 Get approval for your research paper topic, then write the paper and email it to your instructor: INSTRUCTIONS
7. Request to take the final exam by sending your proctor's contact information to me: INSTRUCTIONS
8. Upon completion of 15 lesson quizzes, 3 Unit Exams, a culture test, a research paper, a video project, and a proctored receptive final exam (at 70% or better) email me and request your course documentationGrading:
Scale: 100-95%=A, 90 = A-, 87=B+, 84=B, 80=B-, 77=C+, 74=C, 70=C-, 67=D+, 64=D, 60=D-, 59=F.
Lesson Quizzes:
Lifeprint is full of various practice quizzes and materials. Do not confuse any of the "practice quizzes" with your "Official" registered student quizzes. Go through the practice quizzes if you'd like, but you will need to watch the "Official" quiz videos for your level at: (Currently for ASL 1 and 2. For ASL 3 see the schedule listed above).
If that one goes down (hey, its the internet) just email me and I've got even more backup sites.
To get credit write down (or type) what you think is being signed, then go to, log into this course, find the quiz submission link and input your answers there so your answers will be automatically graded and your score added to the gradesheet. If for some reason you can't get something to work, keep a copy of your written or typed answers. Then contact me and let me know you need assistance.
Final Exam:
The "Final Exam" is a proctored examination (that means someone trustworthy needs to be there to watch you take the exam according to the rules). You watch a video of me signing various sentences and you type out what you see me signing. Take the receptive final exam after you have turned in your quizzes. You must earn a score of 70% or better on this test to pass this course. If you can't pass the final exam you will get an "F" for this course since it is obvious you were sliding by on "open book" quizzes. STUDY and REVIEW if you want to pass the Final Exam.
When you are ready, send me an email with a subject line like: "ASLU 3: YOUR NAME, Final Exam Request."
Include in the email the full name, title or position, and email address of a responsible adult who will function as your proctor. Choose a proctor that you could prove is responsible and impartial in case a future school ever questions your completion certificate. Upon getting your email I will contact your proctor and will provide him or her with instructions and a link to the Final Exam video.
Take the test with the proctor in the room making sure you do not use any books, websites, or other external material. The test is a video. On the video you will see me signing various sentences to you. Type out the sentences in English or just string the ASL signs together (as long as it is clear that you understand the concept of what I'm signing you will get the points). You may pause and rewind the video as many times as you would like. If you miss even a single concept or change the meaning of the sentence you may miss the whole sentence so practice hard and don't try to bluff your way through this test.
The sentences are similar to those in the practice sheets in the lessons. It is important for you to do the practice sheets throughout the course so you will be able to do well on your receptive final. These sentences may not be exactly the same as the ones on the website (but the vocabulary is the same) so pay attention to each sign in the sentence. When you get done, have your proctor email your answers to me along with your first and last name.
Legal matters:
This syllabus and the schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. All students are always expected to work independently on graded quizzes and/or assignments unless specifically directed otherwise by the instructor. Assignments turned in late for any reason may receive 0 credit. Penalties for cheating and plagiarism may include receiving an F for a particular assignment, an F for the course, or expulsion from the program or university. Upon identifying themselves to the instructor and the university, students with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodation for learning and evaluation. This syllabus and any later email communication from the instructor supersede whatever information you may find at the general ASLU website. Prepare ahead of time to have backup internet access in case your regular computer crashes. If your computer is prone to crashing, save your work often and submit it early. Dead computers are not an excuse for late work. If you are in doubt as to whether your email has gone through, send a separate email with the subject line "*** ASLU- Reply requested. First Name, Last Name". Keep a backup copy of all submissions until the end of the course and your grade has been received.Pep talk:
You can do this. I have near infinite patience. I love teaching and explaining. If you have questions, ask in class or just email them to me and I'll get back to you within 48 hours. If you think I've overlooked your email, feel free to send your question again I won't feel bothered--rather I'll be grateful for the communication. If there is something I can do to make the class better for you please do suggest it. This class may be one of your more challenging accomplishments but I know if you work hard and put in the time you will succeed.
Questions and Answers:
I have been contemplating a paper topic for a while. Are there any topics that you suggest looking in to? Or would you rather we find one? I haven't exactly thought of a good one yet, that is why I ask.
Ask yourself: "What is my hobby? What things am I passionate about?" And then pick one of those answers and add "...and the Deaf." It doesn't matter how off-beat your topic is. If it is something you are passionate about it will generally turn out to be a pretty good research paper. For example, suppose you are passionate about "skateboarding" -- then add "and the Deaf" to end up with a topic of: "Skateboarding and the Deaf." If you decide you'd like to do a more traditional topic, then pick something that might be useful to other users of the web such as: "How to become a teacher of the Deaf." Imagine you honestly wanted to become a teacher of the Deaf and you needed actual step by step instructions. Also, consider interviewing actual working teachers of the Deaf! Call them up on the phone -- they won't bite. If they are Deaf, just use the video relay to call them, etc. What's that? You've never heard of a "video relay for the Deaf?" Well that's another good topic to research: "video relay services." Please don't use (this website) or wikipedia as your "source." I'm proud of the quality of the articles on Lifeprint but I don't want recycled material. Go find other sources such as peer reviewed articles or books from a major publisher if possible.Question:
How hard do you grade the video project and final exam?
Typically students, (even high achievers), do not do as well on the expressive portion of the exam in a "distance education" course as they do on the receptive. Many students who get an "A" on the receptive end up getting a "C" on the expressive because signing without having had someone to practice with is like swimming without water. (Which often results in "A" caliber students receiving a combined grade of a "B.") Please understand that I will grade you according to college standards as if you were one of my in-class students who had been attending class twice a week for three months. To pass an expressive test in distance education course will require a serious effort. I don't wish to discourage you, quite the opposite. But I do want you to be informed ahead of time that you will need to work hard to do well.
Where can I learn and practice fingerspelling and numbers?
Learn and practice basic fingerspelling at,
You can learn numbers at NUMBERS and then you can practice numbers at
The Level 3 instructional video playlist: ;
Here are the level 3 quizzes:
The quiz 32 video skips question #31 (oh well got to redo that quiz, the answer for #31 is "interesting.")
Here are the level 3 practice cards:
The Level 3 lessons:
The Level 3 Unit quizzes: | Unit 7 Quiz | Unit 8 Quiz | Unit 9 Quiz